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Comment Re:survived it before (Score 1) 124

Lastly, remember, if your name isn't on the building, you are a disposable commodity. Nobody protects your ass but you.

I can only assume this was said forcefully with the with the national anthem loud in the background, swelling chests and wetting eyes with pride.

You're not wrong, but as an American, this is fucking shameful and pathetic. 0 labor protections go hand in hand with 0 national healthcare, etc. Land of the Serfs, home of the Timid.

Comment Re:Sorry for previous owners (Score 1) 32

I had a Charge 4 which died. I was going to get a 6 until I read that it requires linking to a Google account and will not work with existing Fitbit ones.

So that made me look at alternatives, I bought a Garmin Instinct instead. I love it. It's far superior in every way but size as it's pretty big (not really a problem though). Granted, it cost more, but was completely worth it. Still has all the fitness shit the Fitbit did including linking external sites if you want. Has tactile buttons no touch screen that can die which is what happened to the Fitbit.

Submission + - Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent (

waspleg writes: Glassdoor, where employees go to leave anonymous reviews of employers, has recently begun adding real names to user profiles without users' consent.

Glassdoor acquired Fishbowl, a professional networking app that integrated with Glassdoor last July. This acquisition meant that every Glassdoor user was automatically signed up for a Fishbowl account. And because Fishbowl requires users to verify their identities, Glassdoor's terms of service changed to require all users to be verified.

Ever since Glassdoor's integration with Fishbowl, Glassdoor's terms say that Glassdoor "may update your Profile with information we obtain from third parties. We may also use personal data you provide to us via your resume(s) or our other services." This effort to gather information on Fishbowl users includes Glassdoor staff consulting publicly available sources to verify information that is then used to update Glassdoor users' accounts.

Comment They did a great job of shitting all over the peop (Score 1) 74

le who run/ran many of the most populated subreddits though. 98% ad revenue. I use reddit, also extensive ad blocking and have never seen an ad. They tried and failed to do the NFT thing. I didn't read their filing, but I wonder how close operating costs are to revenue.

On top of that they got rid of the paid awards to put on posts you agree with which is just fucking stupid as they then replaced it with nothing.

How many times has Slashdot changed hands? Reddit has many many MANY times more users. I used to buy shit from Thinkgeek, then they started trying to open stores in malls and shit showing they do not know thier audience at all and then died completely.

Reddit is probably similar, as with /. I only go there if I think there is something useful to see.

Comment Re:Twice the work for good teachers. (Score 1) 121

Most of them won't do that. They will just be like "the computer says it's good/bad" and grade accordingly without reading so much as a summary. School districts, who are like churches in that they generally have money and refuse to pay for anything if they can get it for "free", will use this to justify increasing class sizes and worse teacher:student ratios. No one will learn shit.

Like 8 years ago there were kids using cellphones with apps that would solve math problems from a picture (I work K12 and have a long time). This is just going to make society worse and even more machine dependent. Hunger Games just missed the AI element.

Comment *Microsoft has entered the chat* (Score 1) 107

Welcome to the very slow boil of hardware identifiers and TPM requirements cause sek-ur-ah-tea. In reality, you control and own nothing and you can and will only do what we allow you to do with what is ostensibly yours - which, specifically, is buy shit from our 40,000 layers of DRM "store" where we get a 30%+ cut, and repeatedly buying the same thing every time we change something on a whim. Get fucked peasant, pay fealty to your Lord.

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