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Comment Re:How about good subject lines? (Score 1) 242

Isn't that what the subject line and message body are supposed to be for?

I appreciate that Google is trying to idiot-proof email but it'd probably be a simpler task to train people

Where do you live and work so I can move to a place where people can actually be trained to do things. Do people also follow the traffic laws where you live too?

Comment Re:Self-fulfilling prophecy (Score 1) 591

Really I think he meant this more as a warning. Unfortunately not many people realize that what he says is true currently and what consequences it can have. Sure the average slashdot user will say 'not I' , but what about all your family / friends. There is a strong reality that what he said is entirely possible and could have strong public support if pitched to the public correctly.

Comment Re:Asinine (Score 1) 299

I think you'd see less upset people if companies like Pepsi didn't use business practices that discouraged good food habits. The fact is give a company a lot of money and they'll sway the public. EVERYONE who is exposed to the extreme amounts of marketing and advertising in most countries has had their viewpoint altered on something.

For example, who do you think lobbied the FDA so that if a food has less than .5 grams of trans fat per serving, it can be listed as zero? That did say per serving too, so just make your label have really small servings and no trans fat! Millions of dollars at work to make millions more.


Submission + - Kahn Academy Delivers 70,000 Lectures Daily (physorg.com)

eldavojohn writes: Over fifteen hundred mini-lectures have made available by Salman Khan to educate the world right from the comfort of his own home. Kahn Academy amounts to little more than a YouTube channel and one very very devoted man trying to provide education the way he wanted it. With 70,000 video views a day, the man is definitely making a measurable difference for many students young and old. In his FAQ he explains how he knows he is being effective. What will probably ensure his popularity (and provide a legacy surpassing that of the highest paid educators) is that everything is licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 and his only requirements are his time, a $200 Camtasia Recorder, an $80 Wacom Bamboo Tablet and a free copy of SmoothDraw3. While it may not be Feynman quality lecturing, it's a great augmenting resource for learners who can clench their fists and thank KAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHN!

Comment Re:Android 1.6? Is this a joke? (Score 1) 167

I'm afraid you are right and Googlers indeed harbor that foolish idea. But that very fact *is* their problem. They have enough cash to play ostrich for a few years, but the reality couldn't care less about what Google thinks. Reality deals with things that exist.

I take it reality gets to ignore that android phones have overtaken iphones in sales in the last quarter?

Comment better solutions? (Score 5, Insightful) 114

it's easy to say 'google doesnt value privacy' . however i have yet to see someone make a post in any of these stories about an alternative search engine that
- gives just as good of results as google
- has a history of protecting privacy (google resisted a court order from the government as much as they could. other search engines happily complied)

the deal with search engines is simple. if you want a good working search engine that supports MILLIONS of users you are either going to have to pay or the search provider will need to use advertising. also said search provider is going to need to mine search results to give better results and when the government brings a patriot act court order , any business is going to comply.

do you think bing, yahoo and altavista would tell the US government "we'll take jail over handing you these records"? atleast google's owners tell you if you don't want your searches for something recorded, dont do them online in a non-anonymous way because it recorded. do you see another search provider doing that?

Comment Re:Weapon variety please! (Score 1) 72

the higher level guns (and higher quality) equip 2 weapon mods and an ammo mod. the lower level ones equip an ammo mod what you described and a weapon mod (no idea how you cant count more accuracy as not useful.

example setups ive used

heatsink to prevent overheat
knockback rounds

heatsink to fire longer
stability to stay more accurate
poison rounds (they arent called that but its basically what they do. they lower enemies abilites.)

sniper rifle
accuracy mod
explosive rounds

Comment Re:Link to youtube videos (Score 1) 459

this is a good example of why companies that have lots of money hire marketing companies. after seeing that i DONT want to run linux, i want to stay away from linux.

'would you like to be associated with t is group of losers?'
i mean fighting over the last donut? really?

its like the anti-drug videos in school. be like this group dorks who dont do drugs and dress like your parents!

Comment Re:Dinosaurs, quite possibly... (Score 1) 1038

please also drop the 'everything god told the iserialites is a commandment for us today' . when he said to kill x people, or those who dont were false worshipers he was talking to a specific person, most of the hebrew scriptures are historical accounts.

no where in the greek scriptures does it say crusade / kill / hate on unbelievers.

Comment Re:Aside from that... that isn't scientific litera (Score 1) 1038

funnily enough scientists claim belief in *something* in their experiments where they show 'how life was made'. they dont take themselves out of the equation, therefore showing even in there experiments something had to intelligently interact to create basic life. closest they could get is randomly throwing stuff together a couple thousand times to try to get basic life.

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