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Comment As a developer... (Score 2) 247

... I would like to have a version of Eclipse or Netbeans that I can run ON AN ANDROID. I have an Asus Transformer tablet and keyboard. I'd like the option of writing code for the Android on an Android.

Comment Re:two words (Score 2) 205

> Cite?
You really have to ask? Maybe the Michelle Obama incident is a good one. Googled modified their system for her, but not for others. What influence do you think she might have had? Hmmm?

Thank you for that counterexample. Google did not modify the search results in that case. It did insert an "ad" above the result apologizing that sometimes search results can be offensive.

Here's a citation for you:

So, now that we have one citation countering the original assertion that Google will modify results with the appropriate inducements, do we have anything to support it?

Comment Speed based on heat is a feature? (Score 1) 126

The inability to re-clock the GPU frequencies and voltages dynamically based upon load has been a major limiting factor for open-source AMD users where laptops have been warm and there is diminished battery power.

A compute rate that varies with temperature would seem to be a bug, rather than a feature. I don't want a GPU that does that. I need repeatable Gazebo simulations.

Comment Re:The current solution (Score 1) 155

It's ridiculously insecure and a horrible idea to attach your name to a website. That's just asking for nonstop trouble, spam, scam calls, scam e-mails, domain scams, threats, etc.

What trouble? My real name and phone have been on all my WHOIS records for two decades. There's some spam, but the filters stop that. Maybe two phone calls a year. One threat in the last decade, from a scammer. He's no longer in business.

If you're running a business, you're supposed to disclose the actual name and address from which the business is conducted, at least in California and in the European Union. "Private registration" is a slimeball indicator for a site with any commercial purpose.

Comment Re:It could work securely (Score 2) 192

"Do not duplicate" keys are not protected by just being labelled, they are physically a different shape (often with patented curves and bends), and genuine blanks can only be bought by registered locksmiths who have signed an agreement with the manufacturer not to duplicate keys without proof that the customer is authorised to duplicate that key.

  SOME "do not duplicate" keys are like that - but they're a minority because they're expensive and a PITA to manage (like most proprietary systems). Many more are just ordinary keys, the same kind you find at any hardware store or home center, stamped with "DO NOT DUPLICATE". And you can get those copied trivially at the same places you can find the unstamped blanks.

Comment Book publishers shot themselves (Score 1) 330

Here is the problem. Publishers jumped in with Amazon on their DRM. This meant is did not matter who made the better eBook reader, who gave the publishers a better deal, most of us were not going to have a bunch of incompatible books. So Anazon has their book reader, and software to allow us to read it on many different devices. Is there a nook app for Kindle? I don't know. But there is a Kindle app for everything else. So Amazon controls the market. And most of the time has the best price. I don't buy so many books though because it is DRM and used books are cheap. I used to buy new books, but I like reading on my kindle, and I don't have to buy books to read later, I can but them as I want them, and knowing they could go away makes me want them les.

OTOH, because music is DRM free, I can buy it from anyone and play it anywhere, and back it up nicely. So I buy music. Movies are still heavily DRMed like books, and can't just be played, so I tend to buy few of those. DVDs with regions and such killed the movie, really.

The point being that publishers gave the industry away to Amazon who uses books the way a supermarket uses milk. To drive traffic, not to make a profit. So books are becoming less valuable and, because of DRM, someone like B&N who has an interest in keeping books valuable has no leverage to do so. Yes, lack of DRM would have meant lower sales, but at least there would have still been an industry.

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