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Comment Re:Seems logical (Score 1) 140

The human eye is not fantastic, compared to some animals, but even out of focus movements in the corner of your eye are impossible to miss. Seriously, try it. You can focus soon enough once you have noticed the movement. It's not necessary to have the whole picture in focus, the center will do. About war: You are right that there might not be war all the time, but you never know when an enemy might strike. Just one successful hit with a rock or bite from a snake you didn't see coming, can kill you. Maybe you only need that safety belt only once in your life, it can still make a 100% difference in your time-path between you reaching 85 or you getting smashed into your own dashboard at 25.

Apple Pulls VLC Media Player From AppStore 754

An anonymous reader writes "Apple has removed VLC media player from the App Store, putting an end to the controversy on the license (in)compatibilities. Indeed, the iTunes page for VLC media player stopped working. VLC developer Rémi Denis-Courmont notes that he is 'not going to pity the owners of iDevices, and not even the MobileVLC developers who doubtless wasted a lot of their time. This end should not have come to a surprise to anyone.'"

Comment Re:And so (Score 1) 346

Haha, no it won't but I mend that their total and epic failure to control the region, in line with so many others, was impossible to ignore. And still the US (and other NATO countries that get dragged along) just keep desperately starting wars. BTW I've BEEN to Cuba and it's a very, very poor and in many ways crippled, though beautiful country.

Comment Re:And so (Score 2) 346

Interesting, I guess we agree then, it's the US that keeps pushing other countries (via NATO and otherwise) to send military on 'peace' missions. The last Dutch government fell over supporting the Afghanistan mission for even x more years. Because the Dutch and many others don't believe in forcing peace in such a way. The Russions tried it for years and warned us all at forehand. Before calling Europe a freerider, consider if it wanted to ride along in the first place! The US always just wants to 'protect' everybody so they can be in charge. They dragged Europe in the biggest financial crisis since the 1930's. They start wars every decade with bogus excuses, just so a few people can make a lot of money. Korea, Vietnam, Irak twice, etc. So yes, we agree: Withdraw the US army. Not just now but permanently.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
