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Comment I ditched KDE4 too (Score 1) 869

I tried KDE 4.1.3 and hurried back to 3.5.10 It was very Original-Vista-like (not just look, stability too) for my taste. Many things didn't work. This was a Kubuntu release, so maybe they screwed something up, but many applets were missing too (e.g. System Guard), so it's not just stability. I guess widgets will catch up too, but it just wasn't ready for me. I was rather surprised as it felt more like a beta than a .1.x release.

Submission + - Google reinvents Wikipedia ( 1

teslatug writes: Google appears to be reinventing Wikipedia with their new product that they call knol (not yet publicly available). In an attempt to gather human knowledge, Google will accept articles from users who will be credited with the article by name. If they want, they can allow ads to appear alongside the content and they will be getting a share of the profits if that's the case. Other users will be allowed to rate, edit or comment on the articles. The content does not have to be exclusive to Google but no mention is made on any license for it. Is this a better model for free information gathering?

Submission + - Pope Acknowledges Evolution 1

teslatug writes: In a discussion with 400 priests Pope Benedict has admitted the merits of evolution saying "This clash [between creationism and evolution] is an absurdity because on one hand there is much scientific proof in favour of evolution, which appears as a reality that we must see and which enriches our understanding of life and being as such." How will this pronouncement affect the argument of the creationists who are against the teaching of evolution?

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