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Comment Re:Another reason to ban rifles (Score 1) 1134

If you can point out some whole country where people get shot but mostly don't bleed and die, I would accept that distinction.

Gunshot -> bleeding -> death == gunshot -> death

Gun-free zone -> attracts predators with guns -> not safe == gun-free zone -> not safe.

Gun free zones are objectively more dangerous than non gun free zones, because "gun-free" doesn't prevent bad people from doing bad things.

I pointed out Canada where schools don't have this recurrent problem in spite of being gun free.

Neither did France, until it did. Bad people cause bad things to happen. You're blessed if Canada does not have that sort of bad people. Be careful about who you bring in.

Comment Re:Another reason to ban rifles (Score 1) 1134

You really believe, while you all run through the streets shooting at each other, that the media has some secret agenda behind reporting on how fucking bad that is for you all.

What secret agenda? The media favors gun control. This is easily observed objective fact.

The fact is that the media does not report a death toll from wannabe heros accidentally killing bystanders.

Why are they silent about this when it could help the case for gun control? Do you think the Media has a secret agenda against gun control and buries these stories?

How safe were the people at this latest shooting?

Not safe. All the victims were unarmed because California has very strict gun control laws, by the way.

You know it's already illegal to take guns into those public areas and shoot people, right?

Are you actually so incredibly deluded that you think more guns would have made the situation better?

What were the shooters stopped with? Police using guns to shoot bullets into them.

People shooting each other dead, saves people from dying. Mind blown.

Were you not paying attention to the news? How did you not notice these shooters were stopped by filling them with bullets and killing them?

If guns make people safer, why are you all not mandated to take one with you every time you go on a plane? That way the plane would be totally safe. Right?

Because America is not a totalitarian society, unlike yours.

Nothing's totally safe, bub. Sitting in front of a computer increases your risk of bad posture, athritis, and becoming a fat neckbeard.

Comment Re:Another reason to ban rifles (Score 1) 1134

Your link has no conclusive examples of preventing mass shootings. Although it does show how weak your argument it is if that is as good as it gets.

Goalpost shifting, eh? "Conclusive" to whom? You, the liar?

Yes over 1000 cases, did you read them all or just selectively chose one that suited your argument, then resort back to childish insults because it's not working out for you?

Innocent people don't shoot at cops, liar. Now go find some "conclusive examples".

Comment Re:Another reason to ban rifles (Score 2) 1134

List the Joe Blows that have successfully prevented mass shootings with their concealed carry?

Already linked it. Now get some integrity, and start doing your own research.

If you can't argue using reason, then just start calling names and see how that works out for you...

I pulled incident reports from the link that you didn't read, liar. Criminals with arrest warrants who pull out guns to shoot at the cops are not innocent people getting shot, liar.

Comment Re:Another reason to ban rifles (Score 1) 1134

List Joe Blows who have killed innocent bystanders while trying to stop a mass shooter.

If people who are specially trained can't avoid killing innocent people, then regular Joe has no chance.

Your use of "innocent people" is the exact opposite of the actual definition, liar.

"Police stopped the man, who was driving a car with stolen license plates, and learned of multiple felony warrants for his arrest, police said. The man assaulted one officer and shot another before the officers returned fire, according to authorities"

Deputies stopped two men, both of whom pulled out guns, police said. The officers opened fire, killing one of the men, according to authorities.

Smith was a passenger in a car that was driving in the opposite direction of traffic and that crashed after fleeing a police stop, according to authorities. Smith and the driver attempted to leave the scene before Smith exchanged gunfire with officers, police said.

Comment Re:I don't think... (Score 1) 411

Prove that it's the most important thing.

You don't think you should be murdered in your sleep.

Of course, conversations like these never progress because the person making the categorical statement is just so appalled at the "lack of intellectual horsepower" displayed by the person challenging the assertion that they decide they aren't "worth debate."

It can't progress because you're ignorant of what god is and how that has driven human philosophy for all of recorded history. That, or you're dishonest enough to pretend ignorance.

Either way, there is no debate to have because all you have on your end is mockery.

It might be an entertaining exchange of barbs, but it won't be a debate.

Comment Re:Another reason to ban rifles (Score 1) 1134

So... A dozen or so examples spread over 20-something years... compared to (pretty much) one mass-shooting a day (if not more).

You don't understand the point. There are more than a dozen examples of "good guys with guns" stopping shootings without a single example of the imagined problem of friendly fire.

One question I'd like answered - what happens to the "good guys with guns" if law enforcement are also on the scene...? Do they get to join in the fun - isn't that the point of being allowed to carry - or are they also taken down as a potential threat?

Go take a concealed carry class and ask the instructor.

All I'm noting is that there is no media reported death toll of "good guys with guns" accidentally shooting bystanders, nor is there one for cops mistaking "good guys with guns" for the mass shooter(s) and shooting them.

Practice > theory.

Comment Re:I don't think... (Score 1) 411

pigeon holing complex beliefs in this manner is intellectually lazy.

Lazy but effective. I don't care how complex you think your belief is, it can be summarized simply.

Truth is simple, and a pursuit of complexity for the sake of complexity is to flee true understanding.

You can claim someone is rambling when they are being too precise for your liking

Rambling off topic is not precise.

There are a wide range of atheists whose beliefs have very little in common.

But they all have one thing in common: They believe God does not exist, or they wouldn't be atheists by definition.

Comment Re:I don't think... (Score 1) 411

The proper response to "Is there a god?" is "What are you talking about?"

Anyone with that response to the concept of god doesn't have the intellectual horsepower or integrity to be worth debate.

It's the most important question of human existence, because mankind needs to know if there is a higher authority we are accountable to. Everything else we do in life flows from the answer to that question.

Comment Re:Another reason to ban rifles (Score 1) 1134

So two citizens just killed 14 people with "friendly fire". Which way does the harm meter swing on that one?

That's not friendly fire, you illiterate moron.

Except for the, you know, 360 odd occasions (every year) where the citizens are using guns to take lives instead.

Ignoring the difference between criminals and law abiding citizens? Dishonest political hack.

Comment Re:I don't think... (Score 1) 411

You did confuse them when you said (emphasis mine):

It is impossible for any person to answer the question without implicitly invoking "I believe". You are wrong about my state of confusion and the available choices.

My contention is if you asked an atheist who is giving a perfectly accurate response, it would almost never be NO.

"Is there a god?" is a yes/no question. A confused atheist's ability to give a rambling non-answer is irrelevant.

If you think there is a god, you're a theist. If you're not sure, you're an agnostic. If you think there's no god, you're an atheist.

You can invent however many permutations of answers that are not exactly "No", but I don't care. Either there is or there is not a god. Pick an answer to the question, or don't.

One side makes an absolute statement: There is a god. The other does not make an absolute statement, like any answer based on available evidence instead of faith should almost never do. It is one of the big differences between an unsubstantiated belief that anchors a full misguided belief system, and a well educated belief.

You're rambling.

Comment Re:Another reason to ban rifles (Score 2) 1134

Now how good a shot is Joe Blow? Grandma?

Good enough. When's the last time you heard the Media reporting that a Joe Blow or Grandma caused the wrongful death of an innocent bystander?

If it's such a problem, why is the Media not reporting on it when it happens? Is it because gun manufacturers have silenced the Media?

Or is the Media not saying anything because it does not happen, because it's not actually a problem?

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