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Comment Re:This gives me an entirely new idea (Score 1) 57

Hello sir, are you the homeowner?

Well, yes I am.

Who is your electricity provider?

Well, you see, I live in a van down by the river. I just got fill up at the local Conoco and get all the electricity from this here cigarette lighter plug.

Sir, have you considered going solar?

If I did that does it mean I don't have to the Conoco no-more?

Uhmm, what size is your home sir?

Well, it's a Ford E250 so it's about 19x8.

Uhmmmmm.... Sir...

I've actually had this conversation.

Comment Red Hat is Linux for Windows people. (Score 1) 191

I've dealt with Red Hat admins, they never "really" want to learn Linux, they want someone to provide fixes they can paste into Putty from their Windows laptops. Redhat is for the "we HAVE to run Linux on these systems, so we need someone to blame when it doesn't work."

A buddy talked me into going Debian a long time ago, and even though I've drifted around the .deb/apt forrest, I've never regretted leaving RPM land. (I've played with Arch and other stuff too)

Comment Re:Still needs to be tested against patent trolls (Score 1) 44

Right, but BSD allows you to close the code afterward. It's why Microsoft has been using BSD code in WIndows since at least the earliest NT release, what there one before NT 3.51? Maybe earlier.

Apple is only sort-of pro open source. I once did a search for the word "Linux" on the Apple website, it only had one hit, on the forums, and then that post got deleted later. I know at one point in history they tried to make sure the word didn't exist on their domain. They bought CUPS after it was already established, in their defense they're actually doing a good job on that one.

I'm pretty sure the lack of licensing requirements, and the lack of them owning it, is part of why they fought so hard against it.


Comment Re:Still needs to be tested against patent trolls (Score 3, Informative) 44

"Submarine Patents"

That was Apple's flimsy excuse for not supporting Ogg/Vorbis anywhere with their own stuff (games and other software excepted as long as they bring their own CODEC).

I never bought it. I always assumed it was to keep from legitimizing the OSS standards any more than they had to make a lateral move between OS's more difficult for the average user. I just cemented me into the anit-Apple category, I play nicer with those who play nice in turn. When I did use Macs in the past I always put Clementine on them so my Ogg music would work, fuck iTunes.

Comment Re:Anyone got personal experience with this CODEC? (Score 2) 44

You might have me on the which GPU is best for streaming - my testing wasn't extensive enough to prove much of anything other than what I had on hand, which wasn't every card available. In fact I'm going to make an admission: every Radeon I tested with seriously was built into a Ryzen CPU, not a stand alone card. The Nvidia card I tested with was a bit out of date (1080 Ti), older than the Radeon. I have a newer one now, but I've only done just a little testing with it - cold storage, not streaming, so I did not include it in my statement since I didn't get serious and measure it. I just know it did better than it's predecessor on a quick once over.

I most certainly am not wrong on every count. Consistently on multiple setups with every combination of CPU/GPU I've had available the CPU always makes the best "cold storage" files as long as you tune everything right. It might take a week to compress a 4K BRD in comparison to a GPU that knocks it out in a few hours, but in the end the file is tighter compressed with very similar quality, maybe slightly better.

I have tested on both Intel and AMD CPUs, multiple Bulldozer era, older Xeons, i7, Ryzen 5 4000 era, Ryzen 7 7000 era. None of the (older) Intel GPU's I've had available really support hardware encoding, I don't have access to a modern Intel GPU and I don't really plan on buying one since I tend to run AMD chips, and I have since I built my first 5x86 system in 96 or 97. I'll admit I suffered dearly for it in the K6/K7 era when the chips were great but most of the mother boards sucked and few that were good were nearly impossible to buy. (The Nvidia chip-sets stood out as awesome during this era, but that ended when they bought ATI). The answer is the CPUs all do about the same quality at the same settings, the main difference is more cores = faster job, and the CPUs always do better than GPUs on tightness. I really do want to find that GPU that can match CPUs in quality and do it with GPU speed, but I think that's just an innate trade-off for now.

End results:
If you're in a hurry or doing a live-cast - use a GPU.
If you're adding something to a long term storage library, like a movie to Kodi or even home videos to a server you're going to be prolific about stuffing videos onto, CPU.

Comment Re:AV1/HEIC (Score 2) 44

You have just given me something to look into that I am unfamiliar with. As long as nearly everything can decode it, it may be the way to go for web hosting and even social media posting.

Just like when I tried to be an early adopter of PNG, it's the support on the playback side.

Then again the lack of early support in PNG was my favorite thing to throw in the face of IE huggers. I pointed out that IE really was the desktop turd I said it was, and when they argued back I pointed out that Mozilla browsers, Opera, back then the early Web Kit browsers like including Konqueror and the like ALL supported it and IE was the only one that didn't, it was a W3C standard therefore it wasn't a vast conspiracy against IE.

Sometimes an "Everything But" standard is the best one to use to call out a turd.

Comment Anyone got personal experience with this CODEC? (Score 2) 44

I love h.265 for it's quality and space saving in comparison to everything else I've used, but actually compressing something with it takes massive horsepower over a lot of time. I've experimented with CPU, Nvidia, and Radeon chips, my finding is if I'm going to a live-stream I want to use one of the GPUs, I think the Radeon was actually be a bit better at being live and solid, but the Nvidia chip was hot on its heals with just slightly chunkier, but slightly better results. The CPU was the absolute king for making an efficient file for storage and later playback, but not up to par for live streaming.

Any background on how AV1 works both front and back-end?

Comment It removed KDE Connect from my phone (Score 1) 45

The Play Store version of KDE Connect was out of date and didn't do what other versions could do (broken).

Granted, I probably let it get out of date, but it didn't ask if it could, it did it and then told me about it.

Fortunately the one in the Play Store has finally been updated, so I'm in better shape than before, still, I don't like the "BTW, I deleted your crap because I didn't like it" approach.

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