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Comment Re:But will they be useful without concepts? (Score 2, Insightful) 501

Stroustrup alludes to it in his article, but I think that the point needs to be emphasized. Concepts need to primarily be about making the experience of using and creating templates easier. It needs to be about fixing the sort of error you mentioned.

The problem with the current proposal is that it tried to be too many things to too many people. Concept supporters need to regroup and come up with a streamlined concepts proposal that concentrates on making the language easier and simpler.

Comment Re:So Impeach Him (Score 4, Insightful) 433

They did impeach him. Their Congress and Supreme Court both voted to oust him. Further their constitution says that if a President tries to extend his term (which is what he did) he immediately stops being President.

You're right about the pajamas thing. They should have shot him and saved themselves the trouble.

Submission + - Why Zed Shaw uses (A/L)GPL

Henry V .009 writes: From Zed Shaw's newest rant: Honestly, how many of you people who use open source tell your boss what you're using? How many of you tell investors that your entire operation is based on something one guy wrote in a few months? How many of you out there go to management and say, "Hey, you know there's this guy Zed who wrote the software I'm using, why don't we hire him as a consultant?" You don't. None of you. You take the software, and use it like Excalibur to slay your dragon and then take the credit for it. You don't give out any credit, and in fact, I've ran into a vast majority of you who constantly try to say that I can't code as a way of covering your ass.

Submission + - Concepts are out of C++0x 1

C++0x writes: It turns out that concepts, the long promised, most prominent feature of C++0x, will not be included in the C++0x standard after all. Is this a good thing for C++ or is this showing the inability to evolve of a programming language designed by committee? Is the C++ programming language worth a major revision without concepts?

Comment Re:People WILL change... (Score 3, Informative) 394

I've had Windows 7 on my desktop for a while (currently RTC). I really don't notice too many differences between it and Vista except for some superficial UI changes. On the other hand, Vista was more or less a fine operating system. It's not Vista that was shit, it was the IT media that was shit (but everyone already knew that).

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