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User Journal

Journal Journal: Can't Log In from My Laptop 11

I can't log in to slashdot from my laptop. Every browser - and even from a browser running on a vm - it always fails. Not sure why but as long as it persists my posting will be less frequent.

Comment heh (Score 1) 9

I didn't think the prequels were better - but it was pretty poor in my opinion.

It's all right - I didn't have big hopes and my kids liked it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress while listening to Time by ELO 1

Don't know why - but I really like that combination.

I've gotten off my schedule of reading Starship Troopers and TMiaHM every year - but I did just reread The Moon is a Harsh Mistress last week-end. My wife was in Ukraine and I was kind of bored but not motivated enough to do something that took effort.

I've outgrown RAH's politics but I still love the story.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Magnet Links from Chrome in Plasma 5 3

For some reason magnet links that I clicked in Chrome were opening the Transmission client instead of Ktorrent. I remember doing something in the past related to this - though I think the issue then was that chrome didn't know how to handle them at all.

Comment Re:You can't go wrong with Slack... (Score 1) 6

It's broken now as far as browsing categories - and has been for a while. You can search for specific packages and install them/uninstall them but you can't use apper to just browse through the different types of software available. It's a known issue and I haven't heard anyone mention any ideas on when it would be fixed.

Comment Re:You can't go wrong with Slack... (Score 1) 6

I am using the Nvidia driver - nouveau has never worked for me with this card on this machine. And it's the only card I've ever found that fits the case - it's an Acer that's really compact. I've had it for 6 years or so and I love it - but at some point I may need to get something new. But I've never seen anything with quite the same form factor. I really like it over the big, big boxes that are normal for so many desktops.

User Journal

Journal Journal: F21 - F22 Today 6

Support for Fedora 21 is coming to an end and so I decided to upgrade to Fedora 22.

I don't run the default Fedora install, I use the KDE spin. I realize KDE isn't the primary desktop for Fedora, but until now it's been alright. I use Fedora for a lot of reasons but mostly because it is the distro I know. I know it because it is the first distro I used on a regular basis for more than just messing around. I did that because at my work we got a new server running RedHat.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Days Go By 1

The Offspring released a new album in 2012 and I didn't know until yesterday. There are implications to that I need to get sorted but now you know what I'm listening to all day while I work.

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