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Anti-Spyware Law Snags Anti-Spyware Vendor 138

Country Lawyer writes "Washington state's anti-spyware law has just resulted in a $1 million victory for the state, the first successful prosecution under the new law. The weird thing? They sued an anti-spyware vendor." From the article: "Washington State went after the company after 1,145 state residents purchased the software and the complaints began rolling in. Secure Computer president Paul Burke will now pay $200,000 in penalties, make $75,000 worth of restitution to Washington residents, and pay another $725,000 to cover the state's attorneys' fees. The irony of an anti-spyware law being used against an anti-spyware vendor was not commented upon."

Submission + - Ethics for Science Geeks

Anonymous Coward writes: "While many argue that science is self-correcting, numerous studies have found that corporations influence research in peer-reviewed journals. One publisher has now released ethical guidelines for scientists publishing in their journals. One section of the article notes: "A survey of literature also found a publishing bias in studies on the plastics chemical Bisphenol A, which is used to make products such as baby bottles. Fred vom Saal, professor of biology at the University of Missouri-Rolla discovered that 109 of the 120 papers published on Bisphenol A reported that minute levels of the chemical may be harmful. However, 11 corporate sponsored studies found no effect." ishing"

Journal Journal: Nintendo, Wii Have a Problem 3

The site has many pictures, videos and testimonials about the Wii and users who accidentally destroy their property. Come one, come all, to the batting cages and bowling alleys of your own living room, and see exactly what's getting batted and bowled around. And think about strengthening your wrist strap.

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