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Comment Re: Metropolis (Score 1) 63

> Every economic model that we have available today has an assumption that most people will have some sort of work to do that earns the an income, even if only enough to barely survive at poverty level. Economic models are more about describing the world as it already exists. Granted, we use that knowledge to influence the macro economy. But it's merely lack of imagination to believe this is the only possibly economic system. The hardest part will be transitioning from where we are now.

Comment Re: Leftists (Score 1) 65

I'm pretty sure you don't even know what the word "authoritarian" means. I bet you wouldn't even know one if you voted for one. Can you tell me 3 "freedoms" that you had under Trump that you no longer have? And don't say "masking", because you had to do that under Trump, and your freedom to infect other people is easiy outweighed by their freedom to not have you get them sick.

Comment Rich getting richer (Score 4, Insightful) 64

I'm quite certain that they didn't fund this from their lawncare business. A container with a generator and thousands of bitcoin miners would cost at least $1 million, probably much more if you're buying high-end miners. I'd guess that their parents gave them a "small loan" to get started. This isn't something your typical college student (or even a typical working adult) could afford.

Comment Re: This isn't the gov't doing anything (Score 1) 167

> When did the hard left start shilling for the US government? It's a reaction to the Right's continued whining about how awful the government is. If the Right is FOR something, the Left will be AGAINST it, and vice-versa. We think that people's beliefs determine their politics, but its usually the other way around. When being Left or Right is part of your identity, it's very difficult to not adopt a stance against what the other side values.

Comment Re: Spinning (Score 1) 99

Yes. Pretty much *everything* in the universe *is* spinning: moons, planets, stars, star systems, galaxies, quasars, etc. Due to the conservation of angular momentum and the mathematics of 3 dimensions, molecules randomly floating about in space will collapse in 1 dimension first, then into a protoplanetary disc around a center mass. It's all quite fascinating. This article does a pretty good job explaining it all:

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