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Comment Glorified AirPods finally priced right! (Score 1) 143

It's insane that these devices cost thousands of dollars today. I used to think they were impressive, but now with the popularity of in-ear wireless earbuds, there is absolutely no excuse.

These devices are basically AirPods with some FFT processing to amplify only a set of frequencies. Basically the type of earbuds you can already buy with a different firmware.

Comment If only ... (Score 1) 240

If only there was a systemic way to avoid having to use excess power to keep your home fresh in the summer or warn in the winter ... say for example by having really thick walls with some form of material technology that makes it difficult for heat to move across it. Maybe people could build their homes like that?

What if we had invented washing machines that use less water, say for example by turning the tumbler 90 degrees, and making people load it from the front ... it would use a lot less water because all the clothes could be wet even if you only filled it up to 50%.

And imagine if there was a way to dry your clothes that didn't require using artificial heat ... you could, for example, lay a bunch of wires in the sun and put wet clothes on them, allowing the sun to naturally dry the clothes. Wouldn't that be something!?

A man can dream, I guess. If only some sort of organisation and rules could be there to force people and companies to do things in a somehow standardised way that saves energy for the long-term ... yes, we could call these rules something like straighteners? Normalisers? Regular-makers? Help me out here...

Comment Crippling a great product (Score 1) 43

AirTags are awesome for finding lost items. I put one on my kid's keychain because he keeps loosing the keys to his bicycle at school. Because of all these anti-stalking features, his teacher is becoming annoyed because the damn thing keeps beeping in the classroom, brings up alerts on their iPhone, etc. It's becoming worse than useless.

I can't go out with my partner anywhere without having an AirTag alert, because she has one in her wallet.

Either make the product actually useful, or just don't create it at all. This kind of "half in-between" situation is really annoying. Tracking devices are inevitable, there's quite a few battery-powered GPS trackers with SIM cards, and these don't beep or show alerts. The fact that Apple's AirTags are vastly superior shouldn't mean they become useless because of the misuse of a small minority.

Comment These UBI pilot programs always miss something (Score 1) 331

Did everyone just forget the "U" in "UBI" means "Universal"? This is just the exact same thing as social programs for low-income family, it's not a Universal Basic Income. That's the whole point of the concept of UBI: give it to everyone, rich, poor, black, white, whatever. It'll never work any other way.

Comment Re:Do you mean ITER? (Score 1) 141

Yes, I mean ITER. Sorry, was phoneposting.

Though I get this whole "trying to do something about it" attitude, I've grown tired of empty promises made by tech firms (Theranos comes to mind) that exist solely to make the founders obscenely rich.

In terms of plan B, C, etc, sure! But why feed all this money to private companies when state-led projects have proven to be quite successful in the past for bleeding-edge research (see: CERN, the Apollo Program, Hubble, and countless others). If these investors really cared about saving the world rather than turning a profit from their investments, they'd sponsor government projects. There's lots of ways to make money from investing in research that doesn't involve just buying shares in some start-up.

Comment What a load of crap (Score 2) 141

Some of the best theoretical physicists and engineers are working on the ITAR project backed by billions of government grants. Does anyone really think that a measly 100 million, probably half of it going to travel expenses to find more funding, is ever going to lead to anything? This is just a scam based on FOMO and rich assholes are just falling for it. I'd rather they just invested money in ITAR

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