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Comment Re:Obligatory... (Score 1) 213

And the fight about who gets to control the manipulation started even before printed media existed. For thousands of years priests spread made up stories and fake news to manipulate people into doing their bidding. They still do that today, reaching even villages without electricity and no newspapers on sale.

Comment Re:Question (Score 3, Interesting) 80

The idea of building processors where memory and arithmetic/logic units are not separate from each other is decades old and has been implemented now and then. In the form of FPGAs you can essentially configure such processors on the fly. But it seems the flexibility of general purpose CPUs remains an important feature, even when more and more specialized units accompany generic CPUs cores on the same chips.

Comment They probably learned from the former GDR... (Score 3, Informative) 45

... because everyone knows how beloved the GDR government was by the people, especially because of its "Hauptabteilung IV" aka "Stasi", which eavesdropped on everyone's life... with about 1/10 of the technical intensity that data is siphoned from everyone these days.

Comment Re: Vaginas (Score 2) 107

Some industries have a glaring issue where they tend to NOT hire women, if only for the exact reason you eloquently stated, because they are physically different.

Have you ever witnessed a hiring process in an IT company where a female appearance was actually held as an argument against a job applicant? In all my years in IT, I have only ever witnessed the opposite - recruiters being happy if any women applied for an IT job, at all.

There are certainly jobs where physical appearance is a hiring criterion. But I have not seen a charity yet giving money to men to help them getting a job as a fashion model, or a charity giving money to short people to help them becoming basket ball professionals.

Comment Re:The point of this was to get women into coding (Score 5, Informative) 107

The vast majority of free open source projects were authored/maintained by one person, often for very long times. Thus one could only be a "toxic trash-fire" to oneself. Also, most free open source projects were started by young people who were neither mother nor father. The low ratio of women among the authors clearly cannot be explained by victim stories.

Comment Re:The point of this was to get women into coding (Score 3, Insightful) 107

Apart from that, the very low ratio of women among those who chose to contribute to open source projects in their free time indicates they are just not as interested in that topic as men are, on average. Paying people to train on a profession that is outside of their personal interests will not lead to happy long-term employees. Trying this model anyway probably was ideologically motivated, or a simple grab on donated money for some function bearers.

Comment Re:AI based military may well be the "Fermi Filter (Score 3, Insightful) 28

I should add that this absolutely does not need an "Artificial Super Intelligence", as was discussed a few articles before. The AI based military units in the scenario I think of are still pretty primitive "seek and destroy machines", which just act according to their original programming.

Comment AI based military may well be the "Fermi Filter" (Score 3, Interesting) 28

Wars used to be limited by the amount of soldiers left on either side - when there was no humans left to fight, the fighting necessarily stopped. Once enough "AI based" military units have been produced, humans being left will no longer be the precondition for a war going on. Theoretically, autonomous "drones" or any kind of "killer robots" could keep on fighting ("for their producer's cause") quite a long time after the last human has been killed - as long as their energy supply lasts.

Somehow it seems that the branch of evolution leading to intelligence necessarily reaches a point where the competition for the "survival of the fittest" is no longer fought out by the intelligent lifeforms themselves, but only by their products.

Comment Re:Hard to fathom (Score 1) 21

It's hard to understand why speculative execution information and control mechanisms are available to user mode processes at all.

That information is not intentionally made available to user mode processes. Essentially, all the SPECTRE type side-channel attacks exploit that the time certain normal user mode instructions take differs, depending on what other users or the kernel do on the same CPU.

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