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Comment Re:Anything that screws monsanto (Score 4, Insightful) 391

By placing this virus into Monsanto's Family-Friendly (TM) products, we ensure that a robust resistance to viruses is present not only in our corn, but in the very bodies of the children you love -- and Monsanto love -- so dearly. We've shown that this genetic profile is safe in the lab, safe in the field, and safe in the human body.

Monsanto. Family Friendly. (TM)


Comment Re:this is like trying to make people good drivers (Score 1) 251

They can put their phone on silent or buzz, and will do so. Jamming all phones so nobody can get any calls is inexcusable and dangerous. If it goes off, it takes just a few moments to head outside to take the call.

Anyway, there's something to be said for a job where when someone asks you what you do you can reply, "Me? I'm the guy 9-1-1 calls for help."

Comment Re:this is like trying to make people good drivers (Score 3, Insightful) 251

They're illegal for good reason.

Perhaps you've never had an important call before. One of the jobs I interviewed for was Communication Engineer for the Ambulance Service. That job required 24/7/365.24 on-call duties because

when 911 stops working, it has to get the fuck up fucking fast.

Sometimes doctors go home, sometimes MPs will go to a movie.

Comment Re:Isn't that the whole point? (Score 4, Funny) 136

My Board Game Geek badge says "RANDOM TACTICS".

Confuse, deflate, conquer. It's worked very well for me. Nobody can anticipate your moves if you're not even sure what you're going to do next.

I've actually had one game where everyone else at the table just stopped, stared at the board, and one guy said quietly, "I really wasn't expecting you to do that."

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