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Comment Re: What do you mean the cost of technology is dro (Score 1) 138

The real issue is Security. The faster the computer the easier it is to hack, so software needs to be more complex to deal with it.

Do you have any idea about what computer security is? NO, speed is NOT the same as security vulnerabilities. Also NO, it is a stupid solution/idea to make a software more complex and think that it will make your computer more secured.

In your example, Office 2016 requires a lot more resources and needs to load a lot of crap before it can open up. Office 97 is an old version and doesn't need anything much to load up compared to Office 2016. That should mostly explains the speed you are experiencing.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 269

A friend of mine in the USwanted to buy a car and had no credit and a good monthly income. She had to take a loan and pay that back, so she would have a credit score. After that she also got a credit card. Maxed that out and got a higher limit, maxed that out till she was at a lot of debt.

Errr, that is NOT EXACTLY how you increase your credit score. That is a poor way of increasing your credit score with debt. Your friend has no understanding of how credit system works.

There are ways to increase your credit score without holding on debt (or as less as you can). If you can get a credit card, then spend as much as you can afford in the card each month and PAY IT OFF. Never leave a balance in your credit card. Do not have too many credit cards (3~4 should be more than enough). If you can finally afford to buy a car and take a loan (finance), then do it. You should try to pay it off as soon as you can because you would pay less interest in the long run. If you can buy a house, do the same as buying a car.

The point of getting excellent credit is to be able to PAY IT OFF as promise. DO loan but at the same time DO NOT try to extend your debt. If there is time limit to pay off, try to pay it off either earlier or as the time limitation. If there is no time limit to pay off, set up one for yourself to do pay all off within the time limit. The sooner, the better. NEVER PAY LATE. Late payment even once would already tarnish your creditor's trust. Think of you as someone who loans money to a stranger. Would you trust the person again when the person does not make a payment on time as promise?

To summarize the U.S. credit system, there are only 2 things that you must remember and do -- PAY IT OFF and NEVER PAY LATE. As long as you keep this up, your debt will be low to none, and at the same time your credit score would be 800 or above (mine is).

Many Americans take the credit system a wrong way. Many of them don't even understand why it is the way it is. The system is based on trust, not on resource amount. It gives a chance to little guys to be able to create and invest in his/her own business from the ground up. Sadly, it may not work as well as it used to be because economy nowadays is all about corporation, not little guys.

Comment Re:Missing the Point (Score 1) 68

The summary and article may be ambiguous, but the study is about social media use, not "screen time".

And the methodology of the study is about "asking" or "surveying" kids aged 10~15. What is the implication of "survey"? Yes, honesty. I'm interested in how truthful kids are. Anyway, the study is still not trustworthy and is ambiguous.

Furthermore, the author seems to publish so many publications each year. The link doesn't even include this new study. Thus, I don't feel comfortable about his work quality because of the quantity he does a year.

Comment Re:More jobs than unemployed workers right now... (Score 4, Informative) 1022

Meanwhile, news popped up today that there are one million more available jobs in the US than unemployed workers. The problem is not people unable to work, it's people unWILLING to work, because they've been trained (by the government) that the government will give them free stuff for sitting at home making babies and smoking weed.

"Here's your sign."

I can't believe people simply mod up without even verify the information. If anyone clicks on the link, the one should see that the article is NOT a NEWS but rather an opinion piece; however, it disguises as news on a news site (CBS). Why? Because it HAS NO CITATION to any statistics it claimed in the article at all. Besides, it is UNCLEAR whether the job available is legit and/or full-time/part-time. In digital age, it is easy to simply put a link to their source -- citation. Any article attempts to "analyze" data/statistics should at least cite where the data used in the article comes from. Of course, the way the article written will leave a lot of imaginations/assumptions to readers. Anyone can interpret it the way he/she wants to because there is no way to fact check it.

The only thing I know about the article is the (group) author who wrote the article -- The Associated Press.

Comment Re:Video seems to be edited (Score 1) 284

Also the camera seems to constantly moving/shaking a bit. If it is a real surveillance camera, it should be mounted to a wall or ceiling (thus, no shaking all the time). I have never seen a video surveillance camera shaking like that. Someone might be holding a camera up to an angle that looks like a surveillance camera.

Comment Re:Communist Party extortion scheme (Score 3, Interesting) 284

And I'm surprised that a surveillance camera is not that stable at all. Shouldn't a surveillance camera be mounted to the wall/ceiling? Besides, if it is moving, it should be smoothly moving to one direction back and forth? The video shows that the camera is moving a little bit as if someone is holding it. The shaking doesn't look like it is from lens adjusting because lens adjusting should be blur in and out but still stable. To me, this is someone making the video, not an accident.

Comment Re:Federal Bills: Same rules as ballot measures: (Score 3, Insightful) 263

Letting her stay rewards her parents for breaking the law.

Yeah, you want to penalize the parents but can't do it, so you want to penalize their love one instead? I can see how coward and cruel you are. I have no problem deporting those parents because of their own action, but include the kids who were here by force without any other way out is something more heartless act. If they actually cut-out the valid time for DACA (e.g. only valid to those kids who are brought in and undocumented in the country on or before the day the bill was passed), it would be better stop exploiting the law later on.

I suspect many or most people who have eluded justice would say they same thing for themselves if eventually discovered. Should just look the other way if we finally find information about that hit-and-run 10 years ago or the arson?

Now you assume that every single undocumented/illegal alien is a criminal. I can see who you are supporting. If that the case of someone being discovered with criminal records later on, then deal with it as Americans if the person has become an American. Aren't 'Statue of Limitations' for? If it is a serious crime and/or the statue of limitation hasn't run out, then prosecute the person. How's difficult about the matter?

The thing is that there are some who did that, but most of them don't. Most of them want to make better money compared to where they came from, so that they can have a better lives. But no, you just look at all of them as criminal, not offenders (to the immigration laws). I don't have problem if they deport those criminals, but don't tell me that you just look the other way and want an easy way out by assuming that everyone is.

Crimes should involve intent and as a child she did not have an intent; not even 'negligently' because she had no ability to do anything about her situation. Therefor she inst [sic] a criminal. Now just not being a criminal does not grant one the right to reside in the United States. So if you ask me the rule of law demands she be required to leave but fairness demands she should be permitted to access the existing lottery system, work visa, ... systems or any future immigration path opened without prejudice.

You have no idea how to go through a process to become a citizen, do you? You just think that these kids get it an easy way, don't you? You think that they all of the sudden live in American dream while they are growing up, don't you? You think they don't have to do anything but rather get a free path without living through any tough time that their parents force them to go through with them, don't you? This is what some Americans think -- take it for grant being an American. There is no educational class to teach these people. The only way that they can learn it from is life experience, either direct (one of the kids) or indirect (knowing those who have gone through very well). I can tell you that no, it is not as easy as stamping. There are a lot of things involved and a very long time consuming.

Comment Re:So what's news here? (Score 1) 52

And perhaps I don't understand the logistics of this because I don't really know anything about the game except by its reputation, but I don't understand how an algorithm could distinguish two or more players working cooperatively in solo mode from two random players in the same place at the same time.

If they announce their algorithm, then cheaters will try to circumvent the algorithm, so why would they want that? You don't need to know but you could attempt to find out but not encourage to do so.

A simple and possible way to detect is to track movement and/or attack of each player. If 2 or more players don't ever walk into each other's way until the end of the battle but rather go off and defeat other players, that is possibly teaming. It is very unlikely for 2 or more players to not run into each other in the map until the end (trying to stay away from each other because they are in communication) or walk pass each other without attempting to battle. Though, a more complex algorithm are needed than this simple one.

Comment Re: Cool! (Score 1) 103

Rick Schumann had a point and attempted to move the goal post back to its original -- natural selection (or the survival of the fittest). You, on the other hand, tried to move the goal post.

When you are talking about the topic, it doesn't only mean "gene" but the whole cycle from start (birth) until one can deliver the one's genes to offspring without any intervention that is not from nature. Modern medicine is NOT nature intervention but rather our own human. We, humans, already come far away from natural selection. We invented ways to succumb the natural laws. We even intervene other species's natural selection. We have intervened a lot of things (look at how we keep certain species from extinction because the cause is us, humans). In other words, human interventions are not natural selection.

Comment Re:Money laundering (Score 1) 327

That may be true, but shouldn't the individual have a right to financial privacy? If I'm not accused of any crime, then why should I have to prove the source of my money? We don't allow the government into our homes to make sure we're not doing anything nefarious, why should we allow them into our bank accounts?

To me, privacy and security are mutual exclusive. In this case, if they allow you to go through the process without verification (or very little compared to others), then the result produces false negative -- a lot more real money laundering businesses will go through the crack. On the other hand, if they do what they are doing now (everybody has to go through the same restricted verification), then the result produces false positive -- legitimate businesses are included. You may argue that some real money laundering businesses still go through the crack regardless, but that is the point that the verification process is doing -- reduce as much money laundering as it could instead of allow them all to go through freely.

If you were the person who has no involvement in these processes but rather a peer, which result would you prefer that could impact the world in every way? To me, I prefer the latter. Remember, money laundering could both directly and indirectly impact everything (not only economy) in different ways.

Comment Re:Don't think I'd trust the software (Score 0) 186

While I agree with what you said, I do not have a high opinion of the Chinese education system. My experience is that the product that system produces is big on replication, not education. I wouldn't trust software produced by that lot.

It is just a different (extreme) way of teaching education. In western countries, schools tend to teach kids to be more expressive of what they think. These kids will try to broad their knowledge but at the same time rarely want to dig very deep in a certain area. Furthermore, teachers are more like friends to them due to the laws and their parents' involvements, so some kids have no respect to their teachers at all.

On the other hand, Asian countries (not only China) tend to teach their kids to dig deep into a certain area but not broad. They are also taught to be very respectful to their teachers (as their bosses or authorities), and they will respect their teachers regardless what they want (punishment can be harsh). As a result, they are much less expressive of their opinion (being suppressive), which is what westerners look at as a replication, because they don't dare to (or give) any opinions but rather follow the orders.

Both education systems, to me, are extreme. I wish there is a way to find the middle ground of both systems.

Comment Re:Obvious (Score 0) 77

Up your fibre intake. It will help your body produce more treg cells which will keep your other immune system cells in line. You can solve an entire host of problems just by changing your diet.

Reading and comprehension please... What you said has nothing to do with what happening here.

On their own, neutrophils can't damage teeth but the problems arise after acids from bacteria demineralize them. Once weakened, enzymes released by the neutrophils could wreak havoc on other tooth substances.

In other words, it will be happening regardless your diets. It is not that your immune cells go off by themselves. It involves bacteria acids causing your own immune cells to damage your teeth.

Comment Re:$4 million over 20 months? Pshhh... (Score 0) 74

No surprised. ACs never read anything, not even the summary.

The payment isn't going to be a pay out as cash. From the summary, it is the total amount that they are going to spend over 20 months.

cover removing fiber cables and sealant from roads, milling and paving streets 'where needed' and removing Google's above-ground infrastructure,

refurbishing used computers for low-income individuals and the enrollment of public housing residents in low-cost internet access through other companies providing service in Louisville

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