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Journal Journal: Bees thats Orange: The Quickening (NFL 06-07) 2

So this is probably my one of only a few Cleveland Browns entries this year. It just is too much of a soulkilling occupation to have to write about a team that breaks your heart all the time. Last year I decided to try my George Costanza: do the exact opposite as every instinct I have is wrong. Sure, the Cleveland Browns still only had a 6-10 campaign but *shrugs* at least then I could drown my sorrows instead of reliving each aggravating loss.


Journal Journal: We Saw This Movie (Film Critics) 17

"It is to love when it is not there; it is not there and that same abscess sucks down all the rest of you. The powerless, anxiety, furious white heat to be without- that is where love is kept." -Some Book No One Has Written

King of the Streets

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Journal Journal: Interesting Lyrics are Written by Portishead 1

Reading back to Ian McShane, before this season of Deadwood on HBO, who was interviewed by the New York Times Arts & Leisure section, on how the dialogue in the show is so strange because where it was common in the period to speak with a single inversion in a sentence, David Milich is inclined to layer two or three inversions in a sentence.

User Journal

Journal Journal: My Band is the Resurrection 8

My band is your favorite. But that isn't important. My band is your girl's favorite, the one her hand will hover over in the car for a moment, then return to the wheel. She'll drive, eyes on the road, and begin to sing along without noticing. You watch the buildings or the fields or the brown cobble beaches pass by.

Journal Journal: My Zoo Number: 18 2

Discounting myself and not counting multiple-accounts I have met 18 people from /. face-to-face. 14 of those I only met first through /.


Journal Journal: A O Scott takes a Bullet 8

Waiting for ENG 102 fell up out of bed, onto your feet, your jeans slid up your legs and they carried you back out of my door, down the stairs, off in your car and out of my life.

Gone- out of my memory.

There is nothing like a good book- but all things equate to it. Nothing's like a good blowjob then. And goodness is both universal and immutable. We have no more conversations. But there is little truth to people's declarations of goodness.


Journal Journal: A Wilderness of Mirrors 2

Blinds hold in that blue sky, green cumulonimbus oak tops bustling. Boy, you've got a life to live. Things to do. This is not a household without a:

dining table, four chairs, stools at the breakfast bar, tall bookshelves not plastic bags held up to the ceiling, rugs for the long wood floors, paper... what, why is all of your prints leaning against the walls? What is this? Are you waiting? The grout doesn't set itself. The tile must be clean!

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