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Comment I was recently looking for a color profile (Score 1) 143

for the HDTV I use as a monitor.

One was not to be found or even hinted at. Yet I found a picture setting: Apply picture settings - All sources.
That will do the same; I think, HDTV is broke awaiting warranty replacement (that setting is greyed out).

I have Samsung Monitor that will send a profile to my Samsung Printer via USB, at least that's the plan.
Talking warranty replacement I ask about that setting, nobody has a clue - Google insist it will work.

Comment Re:This is why I don't run/use Windows Firewall. (Score 1) 79

That's not a good reason to not run Windows firewall. Its expected to be there, and you're exposing yourself to excessive and unnecessary risk if you turn it off.

I don't run Windows Firewall or Antivirus. I do and have run Comodo firewall for many years
And a large HOSTS file help very much.
Sorry to take so long to reply.

Comment Didn't read the article, saw it happen live. (Score 1) 149

Was waiting for someone to call BS, who am I to change public opinion. I'm on record posting when Microsoft stole data from everybody who installed GWX (Early 4/2015) nothing happened about it, hell I was kicked off over it.

Just after Facebook hit the fan, fingers were pointed at Google and their privacy practice for a short while then blow over and it happen again, time after time. Google should be proud of their practice, and people who don't see that deserve facebook.

Those what we collect on each website now expressing their privacy policy, yep have facebook to thank for that.
Facebook's sin is showing what one could get away with.

Comment Re:Um... do you have any understanding (Score 1) 81

We'd have a lot less problems in the world if we'd stop telling folks to pull themselves up by their bootstraps (a literal impossibility, the irony of which always seems lost on the folks who favor the phrase) and actually, you know, tried to solve problems.

Ativan (Lorazepam) did me a world of good long time ago.

To be prescribed to me again is doubtful. Since the Opiate crack down it's a last result, counseling being preferred.
This to tell folks to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Comment Re:Whooptie doo (Score 1) 234

Yes that is annoying. However, even after bypassing all that

It then gives you a blue button to click to open Edge, or a grey one you can click to install the browser you actually want to use.

That's a new low.

No it's not.

When GWX (Get Windows 10) was first released very first thing it did was to grabbed info from everybody sending it to as it was in my HOSTS file and the file (600K) never got out or sent.

Comment Re:with a 1000000:1 bad vs good articles (Score 1) 1024

the probability of getting a good article inst high.

Trump just has to face facts, he is a horrid little man that has no idea what he is doing. The media is reporting this correctly where trump isnt manipulating thing in his favor. Now he is aiming to manipulate google.

Google: president dumb f***
That way or with the letters.

Comment Re:I'm not defending robbery, but... (Score 2) 140

What kind of an idiot tells Google where he is at all times while committing an armed robbery?

It's a dick move to rob anyone to begin with, but it takes a special kind of stupid to broadcast your location to the world's biggest mass surveillance company while you're doing it!

Two programs that are give-me's for tracking when no tracking is selected are Weather and Maps.

Best to leave your Android/Apple behind, on the other hand that would imply premeditated.

Comment Re:Torrent (Score 1) 79

Shirley there is a torrent that contains all the emulation files for these early consoles. It can't be that big.

There was at can't find it at the moment, it's a 36 Gig download; and comes with MAME.

Found it. Remembered it was a /. article that led me there

Comment Re:"even a family of Mormons" (Score 1) 102

Just like the Jews amirite?

Oh wait, sweeping generalizations about people on the basis of their religious beliefs is what defines a bigot...
I'm not a fan of Mormonism myself, but like any other group of humans, there are Mormons who are great people and Mormons who are shitty people.

It's almost as though categorizing people upon any basis other than their individual behavior makes you a shitty person.

They practice vigilante justice on rumor alone, facts aren't important nor even an attempt made to verify.
They do this as a whole and can be grouped as one.

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