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Comment Re:Or is that the problem? (Score 5, Insightful) 120

Then companies started saying, profit is not as important as reducing our carbon emissions.

Then companies started saying, profit is not as important as "inclusivity".

Then companies started to say "we can't do any work without a lot of training that assumes all of our employees are monsters who will rape anyone at the drop of a hat".

Pretty soon companies were not caring about profits or quality at all, but only making sure they were offending no-one, inside or outside the company... and here we are today.

Maybe what needs to happen is a little more focus back on profit and hard facts like numbers.

It's hard to argue that employees doing unacceptable nonsense like this is not directly tied to inclusive hiring practices that require hiring people because of the color of their skin, rather than skill or even ethical background.

What a long winded way to say "Fox told me Boeing is failing because they hired unqualified minorities"

Boeing used to do this work internally but they didn't feel like paying union shop wages so they contracted out to a cheaper company Spirit Aerosystems. The old saying is always true. You get what you pay for. You pay low wages to aerospace workers you get low quality work as a result.

Comment Re:Won't matter for MCU (Score 2) 135

Enterprise was pretty bad for the first season and I stopped watching it entirely. Later on I watched the series again and things did vastly improve with darker storylines. The episodes with Shran are the best. It shows how the Vulcans weren't as good as they appeared and how the Andorians came to trust the humans.

Comment Re:Is China covered by the US constitution? (Score 1) 163

The Citizens United majority opinion makes no reference to corporate personhood or the Fourteenth Amendment, but rather argues that political speech rights do not depend on the identity of the speaker, which could be a person or an association of people

Comment Re:Won't matter for MCU (Score 1) 135

What spinoff series were failures? I'd say Picard is the worst of them except for the third and final season. You could skip the first two and not lose anything. Discovery had five seasons and while some weren't great I still enjoyed the series. Lower Decks did nothing for me and all the voice actors were either coked up or got paid per word. Strange New Worlds is good because the season isn't just one long story line.

Comment Re:Lucas? (Score 2, Interesting) 49

The story and dialogue I'll give you that. However the action sequences not believable? Star Wars is milestone in the special effects department. Nothing had ever looked that good before and it still looks good today. Twenty years later Lucas started releasing the special editions with his shoe horned CGI scenes and they look awful.

Have you watched THX 1138? It's pretty hard scifi compared to anything else Lucas has done. But movies like that have a limited draw.

Comment Re:Missing? (Score 4, Informative) 57

This does remind me of another Slashdot featured article where there was a claim that breast cancer treatments were "racist" for being less effective for those with African ancestry.

You have a link handy? I can find no evidence of any stories about cancer treatment being racist.

I have a suggestion to the "meatless Monday" advocates. I suggest instead making a call for "meatless Fridays". How would changing the day of the week make any difference? There's already a religious custom among popular religions that is in agreement with this practice, that means there would be less opposition. Of course those wanting others to eat less meat aren't going to take this suggestion seriously, because they worship a different deity. News that not enough meat in the diet could put people at risk of cancer is going to piss these people off in a serious way. I'm going to enjoy hearing them scream about this.

Oh lord you're one of those loons who thinks some secret world government is going to force everyone to eat insects. Somehow I don't think that skipping meat for one day a week will give anyone cancer.

Comment Re:Higher G-Force Turns With No Meatbag In Cockpit (Score 1, Interesting) 95

Warfare more likely, yes.

Warfare that escapes well defined theaters of operation, no.

I suspect eventually, every country will give up a small amount of border land for total anti-invasion defense, and the only countries that will start wars are the ones too stupid to understand that they can't invade their neighbors anymore.

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