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Comment So.... (Score 5, Informative) 222

I pay Amazon for the privilege of delivering their packages, under their rules, and I can only use their branded vans (which, no doubt, I have to pay for), and what a great deal, huh? And I'm not even an Amazon employee?

Okay, here's a slight problem with that.... FedEx Ground already lost that legal battle. They had "contractors" who had to wear FedEx branded uniforms, drive FedEx branded vans (which they had to pay for and were on the hook for all but the simplest maintenance), and could only deliver non-FedEx packages after they finished their deliveries for that day, but (and this is important), according to FedEx, they weren't employees.

The contractors sued, and won. The judge basically ruled that FedEx was treating them like employees when it benefited FedEx to do so, but for things like health care and 401(k), oh no, they're not employees.

The judge was not amused.

So, I don't see this going the way Amazon thinks it will.

Comment Re:I hope the world survives this madman . . . (Score 1) 504

The "end game" is that Trump even agreeing to have the June 12 conference in the first place gave Kim Jong-Un credibility. The fact that Trump was the one to cancel it makes North Korea look even better because they weren't the ones who walked away first.

And he's the third generation of his family to rule North Korea, so it's lasting a pretty long time.

Comment Re: Venice (Score 3) 375

Hell, we have the same problem here, but with normal scooters/mopeds. I live near a university, so there are a ton of these rental scooters being driven by college kids. And they're regularly riding two to a scooter, sometimes three to a scooter. Maybe one in ten of them are using the provided helmets. They run red lights or stop signs. They drive on the sidewalks.

And yeah, they get in accidents. I've seen, several times in the last year, some idiot scooter driver being loaded into the back of an ambulance because they though they were invulnerable, or weren't paying attention, or whatever.

That being said, there are also people way past college age riding these things as well, and they aren't showing that much more proficiency with them, or understanding of basic safety.

Comment Re:Tariffs have been a tool that works (Score 1) 381

And Trump is back-pedaling on his stance against Chinese company ZTE, right after the Chinese government agreed to back half the costs of a Indonesia project that will have a Trump branded golf course and hotels.

So, basically, Trump is open to being quite clearly bribed by foreign governments.

Comment Re:Let me correct some details on the GDPR (Score 1) 553

What would you say to an American cop that wanted to search your EU located servers based on American laws?

"I can't let you do that as it would breach data protection requirements."

That's the same answer the EUcrats will get.

Really? The US must be more advanced than I thought. I would have expected something more like "how much will you pay for it?"

Comment Re: Parents? (Score 1) 514

Depends on the professor, depends on the class being taught. While I was in college, I had a few classes where there was only one textbook, and it was inexpensive, although that was largely because it was a history or other liberal arts course. (For one history class, the book was actually written by the professor.)

But Computer Science? Expensive, pretty much across the board. And when they're in the process of switching over from teaching C++ to other languages? There was a bit of a kerfuffle in what textbooks to order for what classes.

Comment Re:Don't they pay postage? (Score 2) 493

I worked for FedEx Office for a number of years. So, in addition to running copies and such, I also had to process packages that customers dropped off at our store.

Guess what? FedEx offers deep discounts too, depending on how much you ship. There was a guy who came in once or twice a week just during my shifts who was sending multiple packages each time. And his discount was something like 20%.

Hell, as an employee, I could get a 75% discount on anything I shipped via FedEx.

My point is, the Post Office is hardly the only organization that offers discounts to people or companies that use their services a lot. And FedEx still made money off them.

Comment Re:ALL SPEECH.... (Score 5, Interesting) 661

It's not the same thing.

Okay, look, as a business of public accommodation (a business open to the public), they are required to not discriminate against customers. That is to say, they are not allowed to refuse service to a customer on the sole reason of that customer falling in a protected class.

Federally protected classes include, but are not limited to, race, age, sex, national origin or ancestry, religion or creed, and physical or mental disability. (I may have missed a couple in there.)

States are allowed to add to the federal list, but they are not allowed to remove anything from the federal list. In the state that the "gay wedding cake" occurred in, sexual orientation is also a protected class. So, the bakery in question was not allowed to deny them service solely on that basis.

Now, if the bakery had been booked solid, and would have been unable to produce the wedding cake by the time of the wedding, and they'd denied service based on that? Not discrimination.

If the bakery didn't do wedding cakes at all, as in it wasn't a service they offered, and had denied service based on that? Not discrimination.

Now, Reddit probably doesn't count as a business of public accommodation. While anyone can read most Reddit posts, you have to login to comment. It requires membership to access certain services. They are free to set the Terms and Conditions under which they will allow those services. And they are free to say what constitutes a violation of those Terms and Services. (Although, let's face it, while they should be consistent in that application, it's practically impossible to prove that.)

Comment So, uh... (Score 1) 330

Just how much coffee do you have to drink before this becomes a significant threat? Because I'm guessing it's going to be right up there with the nonsense about sodium benzoate in sodas some years back, where you would have to drink 300 cokes in a day to exceed the FDA's guidelines on sodium benzoate.

At which point, you'd have far worse problems than the sodium benzoate in the sodas.

I mean, okay, if _one_ cup of coffee a day significantly increased your chances of certain cancers, I think we'd have noticed that by now. So, I'm betting for acrylamide to be a major factor in you getting cancer from drinking coffee, you'd have to drink at least a few dozen cups a day.

Comment Re:Uber will just test them in California anyway. (Score 3, Interesting) 101

So they have a paper trail showing that it was supposed to be a self-driving car?

Some of these self-driving cars still have a steering wheel and other controls so the passenger in the driver's seat can take control if necessary. Let's say one of those cars gets in an accident. Do you expect the officer on the scene to immediately recognize it's a self-driving car?

Comment Re:Stupid article, but (Score 1, Funny) 62

The problem is, if everyone automatically got the blue tick, then you'd have, for sake of example, hundreds of accounts all claiming to be Tom Hiddleston and "verified" as such.

Or Donald Trump. And if you think the actual Donald Trump on Twitter doesn't cause enough problems, imagine hundreds of them, again, all verified, and posting all kinds of shit. One is enough, thank you.

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