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Comment Re:Is the damage already done now? (Score 4, Insightful) 127

The issue is people (as companies) are fundamentally selfish. Linux came about because Linus wanted to play with a kernel. Everyone else just kinda jumped on board expanding it. There just happened to be an ecosystem of open source software readily available to run on Linux without much changes. Then Slackware, and later on, Redhat happened. Then the commercialization happened. It won't happen the other way around, with diverse companies throwing in money to create a product. If we are lucky, they might start support Godot better, who knows.

Comment Re:Issue resolved, Zoom already fixed their TOS (Score 1) 31

More importantly, when they remove the pinky promise not to do it clause, they will already have the rights *FROM THE DAY THEY FIRST GAVE IT TO THEMSELVES*. On top of that, they have the right to use your data for non-AI training purposes, and to sell it to other AI training companies *TODAY*

Comment Re:Will MLS provide the UK's required back-door ke (Score 2) 21

Nobody ever claimed SMS is secure. How you came to that understanding is bizarre. However, if you are comparing E2E encrypted platforms like Signal, MLS, or iMessage to SMS and saying anything is better than SMS, you are avoiding the question, which is, why would ANYONE want to integrate with Google, if Google was going to bend over for countries that demand they poke a hole in it.

Comment Re:“Could only happen on Reddit” (Score 1) 113

For a blind moderator? Removing their ability to do their job? Sure, you might feel it's not worth a fuck, but that removes their ability to do their job. You end up with /r/blind having no blind moderators. Guess what happens then? You end up with assholes like you who don't know what they go through and use *YOUR* opinion on what to give a fuck about, rather than what the blind community feel they need. Having empathy is useful.

Comment So... no GPL then? (Score 2) 1

I don't see how this does not fail the GPL test. All Amazon, Oracle, etc have to do is to buy one copy, and then they can demand access to the GPL'ed source code as a customer. IF Redhat subsequently terminates their license, that goes against the GPL, doesn't it?

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