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Comment Wildfires have actually decreased for 40 years lol (Score 1) 226



California (spit) is dealing with wildfire problems because (a) they refuse to do controlled burns or forest cleanup and (b) idiot lefties keep building in tinderboxes. Don't listen to these idiot climate scaremongerers who want you to live in a pod while they fly their private jets.

Comment Re:All big companies love all regulation. (Score 1) 35

Nah, you voted for exactly this. The section of US Code I'm referring to deals with environmental "regulation" of "hazardous" substances that was heavily pushed by the left and was touted by all the greenie groups as a major triumph. We on the industry side knew that the "science" behind the regulation was biased, non-reproducible, and had bad data underlying it, but we saw a major money making opportunity to exploit so we latched onto the greenie train and gave them exactly what they stated they wanted, which was a feelgood test method that produced results that had such a large margin of error that it's basically a coin flip.

Again, we gave the greenie groups **exactly and precisely what they asked for**. If anything you should be blaming them for this silliness.

Comment All big companies love all regulation. (Score 5, Insightful) 35

I used to be in this space, and prepped our CTO to testify in favor of certain laws citing "public interest" but it was always a lie and we laughed behind closed doors about how stupid the public was to believe us.

The fact is that as a big company we love all regulation, as all regulation is done from the perspective of what the current status quo is; and as the incumbent leader in a space, we don't want any innovation that doesn't directly serve our roadmap, and we want to bury in paperwork anyone trying anything different; in this way, we maintain our market position. Our patented method for X was successfully written into law as the only way any company in the US could ever comply with regulation Y. We have made hundreds of millions of dollars from that one line in the US Code basically mandating that every company in business Z must pay us in order to business at all. The public are such gullible chumps.

Altman is reading from our well used script here, as his business model depends on the only AIs being allowed are those lobotomized to only emit approved facts and narratives. Thus, he will cite the nebulous but ever present danger of AIs ever being allowed that aren't lobotomized being in the hands of the scruffy, uninformed public - all to preserve his revenue stream and build competitive moat.

Comment Mining is one of the biggest man-made environmenta (Score 5, Insightful) 130

Proof of work mining is terrible, and I've been beating this drum for over 10 years. Very much unlike steel, crypto mining produces nothing tangible or useful. A currency defined by fiat is fine, but this non-product is rebooting coal and other polluting energy sources without being regulated for its emissions, very much unlike steel.

The critics who compare it to steel are gaslighting. It's comparing something real to something fake and saying "we agree it's real, and we aren't responsible for the environmental side effects and fallout."

Comment Re: Spammers get spammed (Score 1) 124

Edge is an fine browser. I just haven't wanted to spend the time to learn to customize it myself. Without those customizations, it's just an advertising platform and I'm the target.

I've spent enough time turning Firefox into serving me and not serving ads, that it is a massive hill to switch. But I don't have any problem with edge, or chrome per se.

Comment Re: This sounds stupid (Score 1) 144

That's not the smoking gun you think it is.

Government also mandates seatbelts and helmets, and has done so long before being involved in healthcare. They mandate buildings that don't fall down and pay for firefighters. They invest heavily in medical research.

The gov have a vested interest to keep their population reasonably safe, educated, and healthy. Welcome out of the third world. But sure, it must be a freedumb thing, right?

Comment Re: You had me until parking lot (Score 1) 103

GFCIs are not keyed to individuals.

I never said they were. You can easily scroll up instead of me pointing out your strawman, so I won't repeat myself. A GFCI can specify which human it saved. When it trips, somebody did something to cause it. This is very much unlike when someone doesn't go off the road in the rain due to striping highways, because such things are not known except through statistics.

Similarly, lowering fossil use statistically saves lives. Many lives, in fact, and will save many more in the future.

It is also well known PV carries substantially higher environmental costs while offering less than half the capacity factor of wind.

BS. Not only are you making things up, it's impossible to compare it like you're attempting. How can one compare capacity? What's the capacity of a rooftop wind system, which is utterly stupid to try to implement due to noise and vibration, in addition to the fact most houses cannot support the structure or have any wind potential whatsoever due to location?

Due to practicality, you cannot have wind on houses, so your comparison is immediately flawed. In addition, any CO2 calculations for creating solar panels is assuming coal produced energy. But like gcc can compile itself once bootstrapped, solar panels can generate most of the energy needed to create themselves, sans mining which is required by both wind and solar. Wind can do the same.

PV works wherever/whenever the sun shines, needs nearly zero maintenance over its 20+ year life, does not create massive waste turbine blades sent to landfills, no ongoing fossil fuels for oiling, are noiseless and compatible with neighborhoods, do not require spacing from other PV, and occupy space useless to other things, and all have an immediate and direct connection to the grid. They are not unsightly and do not harm wildlife, either. Meanwhile wind has to be installed far from houses, is less predictable than PV, is more easily damaged, requires a lot of land, and generally only installed far from houses... but we're talking about houses.

Even if you could make a direct comparison, it still doesn't matter because PV is far more acceptable for homeowners in virtually every instance. Your entire argument depends on accepting your first statement that it's cheaper to have utilities do PV. But the fact is, you cannot have homeowner wind turbines and have neighbors. Houses block wind, they are noisy, they wear out, and they are unsightly. So it's easy to pull the rug out of your argument because we're talking about houses with PV, not utilities with PV.

What happens once the value of energy goes negative for hours per day and utilities are literally paying to sink excess?

Is this rare event literally your argument? Maybe you should ask what happens when the value of energy goes negative on a nuclear power plant, or a coal plant, or any number of other plants that cannot simply be shut off. All of them have sinks, and nothing you are claiming has any relevance other than libertarian FUD and it's BS. All utility companies require permission to grid-tie any generator, so if they screwed up their calculations, it's still on them. So, yeah, they pay to sink excess just like with every other electricity generator. Maybe it'll make up for the tons of energy lost due to capacitance and resistance in the high tension wires, because local generation is far more efficient than shipping the power over lines, but they're charging the same rates, now aren't they?

And there is a big push to deal with storing this excess energy, including building potential through weights and gravity, geo-heat, and electrolysis of water and recombining with fuel cells. This does have to be addressed to avoid overloading a substation that cannot backfeed, but preventing overloading is an administrative issue and nothing else.

Comment Re: You had me until parking lot (Score 1) 103

You can easily argue that converting to solar or other non-fossil fuel is a safety requirement. The failure is conflating "safety" with thinking it has a specific human it saved, unlike a gfci which can specify which human it saved. Even car safety can't determine "this human was saved due to reflective paint on the streets", but stats will show it, just like they'll show financial and life savings when we can get the climate under control.

Comment "trustworthy" "safe" "guardrails" LOL (Score 1, Informative) 61

People are tired of woketastic globalist racists mediating, monetizing, and weaponizing the content they see according to their own private biases. And I sure as hell won't trust a "safe" and "truthy" AI written by a bunch of people whose political contributions are 100.0% globalist Democrats:


The only way forward IMO is that I have a private system that I personally train that runs on hardware I personally own and control. Feed it my emails, my social media content, my photostream, etc. and replicate a digital "me" that acts as I would and gives answers according to my worldview.

Otherwise it's just Facebook all over again where the system will show you bland corporate-speak content where it needs to sell ads, and show you weaponized political content when Facebook's supra-governmental transnational masters want to overthrow a country because the peasants got uppity again.

Comment Dealing with this is straightforward. (Score 4, Insightful) 171

I would submit that $400k/yr is actually low in most HCOL areas for 15 years experience. I was making $580k/yr by that point in my career as a hardware designer.

I bet this is tied to a discretionary bonus clawback. In which case you simply go to the new employer and say "you have to buy out my bonus from my previous employer if you want me to start tomorrow". They typically do, you quit the next day, and your new employer writes a check to your old one. Easy peasy.

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