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Comment Re:Amazing, intelligent, beautiful, funny show (Score 1) 97

No, they raise it as a question frequently, but it's never answered

You are actually 100% completely and totally wrong there. Are you confusing Isaac with Data from Star Trek?

The question of Isaac's sentience is never once raised, ever. In fact, the word only occurs in the dialoge of the show 3 times: Once in S1E2, in the context of the Calivon (not Isaac), once in S2E8, where Claire says, "He's a sentient being. And he's my patient." and once in S2E9 when Kaylon Primary is talking to Isaac about biologicals.

Comment Re:Where are the Chrome-only websites? (Score 1) 68

I keep hearing about this but never observing it, and the people who talk about it always stop short of giving URLs. Does anyone know of a specific site they use, which only works using Chrome? It's plausible and not at all hard to imagine, but I'm starting to wonder if the issue only comes up in extremely niche situations that most people are never going to run into.

Usually it's just quirks, or the IE6-flashback message "This site only tested in Chrome" or "This site works best in Chrome". But ... some are a bigger deal.
I recognize the irony, but here's one that doesn't work on Firefox: https://teams.microsoft.com/. (It won't do sound or video!)

Comment Re:Free Software without saying Free Software (Score 2) 68

It's not acrobatics. I simply don't think "free software" conveys anything useful to the general public — even the general tech public. Following it with "I mean free as in speech" every time doesn't help much either -- especially these days that needs its own extra explanation. Read this on Elon Musk and Twitter, for example. You might or might not agree with the thesis of that article -- but that's exactly the point. If you're lucky, maybe ten minutes later you're back to what you're trying to talk about.

People better understand the term "open source" -- they've probably heard of it, and it gives a better opening. You're right that it often has to be followed up with the benefits beyond code, but that's what I want to talk about anyway, not about the esoteric philosophy of "freedoms" or "software rights" or whatever. (Source: I talk to diverse groups of people about this stuff all the time. )

I can have those conversations. However, people tend to have widely disparate and strongly-held -- but not very well introspected! -- ideas of about the concepts of rights, freedoms, fairness, justice, and so on. It'd be helpful if people had something like this in their basic education, because without it there are going to be deep assumptions that end up with people talking past each other and. Sometimes fun, especially with a reasonably-sized group of people with good faith intention to understand each other better. But ... for a general tech interview? Nah.

Anyway, I do sometimes say "open source and free software" or "free and open-source software" for the right audience -- I think you'll find that in this interview, in fact. It's not like I'm allergic.

Comment Re:If only my eyesight was what it once was... (Score 2) 41

My god. I can't imagine sitting 5.5 feet away from a 40" TV, much less 11 feet. That's way too far away for movie-watching, in my opinion.

I prefer to sit at a distance that creates an equilateral triangle between my eyes and the left/right edges of the display. So for a 43" diagonal screen, a distance of about 37" is optimal for me. And for an 80" screen, I'll want to sit about 70" away.

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