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Comment Re:Hot off the press (Score 2) 130

A study published today linked the acceptance of funding from coffee cartels to the finding of health benefits of coffee consumption.

(More) News at ten.

This! You rarely get similar exciting news about tea either killing you or giving you eternal life, makes me think I've chosen some kind of third world beverage... even alcohol gets the occasional "it's okay if you don't overdo it" so it has to have some first world banking behind it.

Comment Re:Wait... (Score 1) 157

What is Batman without a little bit of camp? It's Christian Bale, one of the most boring actors ever. Personally I liked Batman, Batman Returns and even Batman Forever; I was a teen back then, but still they had solid actors and for films of their time they looked good.

After that it's been at best ok... I'm not sure why Bale is incapable of actual facial expressions, but from the looks of it it's contagious.

Comment Re:The end point should be run by the military (Score 1) 349

As far as I'm aware national copyright laws don't apply when you're at sea, and a warship under sail is hardly a "public place"! OK, the political/media fallout could get awkward, but that's why none of my forces mates ever pass ripped films around when they're on active service. I'm with the anti-piracy brigade, but as far as I'm concerned the military covenant outweighs that one.

Yes, we know they'll most likely never be called out on it, publicly at least that is... but getting away with it doesn't mean that it isn't a crime though. If you're able to easily "share" your media you're most likely in violation of DMCA (amazingly a lot of countries have in short timespan created similar laws too), going against the FBI/RIAA/MPAA warnings and all sorts of things you shouldn't be doing.

Plus you're in the navy and taking part in piracy, arrr-r-r-r! The moderators are scallywags!


Submission + - Scientists Invent Particles That Will Let You Live Without Breathing (

An anonymous reader writes: The invention, developed by a team at Boston Children's Hospital, will allow medical teams to keep patients alive and well for 15 to 30 minutes despite major respiratory failure. This is enough time for doctors and emergency personnel to act without risking a heart attack or permanent brain injuries in the patient.

Comment A few weeks ago in slashdot... (Score 5, Informative) 156

A.D. 774. This year the Northumbrians banished their king, Alred, from York at Easter-tide; and chose Ethelred, the son of Mull, for their lord, who reigned four winters. This year also appeared in the heavens a red crucifix, after sunset; the Mercians and the men of Kent fought at Otford; and wonderful serpents were seen in the land of the South-Saxons.

Twas' a comment by JustOk.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 42

Bleh, might as well let you in on the joke... supposedly "Michael J. Fox went off his meds before going on TV to exaggerate his symptoms" and then I say "The people on Fox News do the same". I guess I'll have to be less subtle next time so as to not get a partisan insightful mod.

Submission + - Pentagon's Zombie Satellite Program Comes to Life (

An anonymous reader writes: A year old DARPA program which aims to recycle satellites in orbit has started it's next phase... looking for a guinea pig defunct satellite to use for evaluating the technology required. The program involves a Dr Frankensat 'complete with mechanical arms and other “unique tools”' and blank "satlets" to build upon.

Need parts! Kill the little one!


Submission + - Google's Neural Network Teaches Itself to Recognize Cats ( 1

fatherjoecode writes: "I thought this was so cool:

Google scientists created one of the largest neural networks for machine learning by connecting 16,000 computer processors, which they turned loose on the Internet to learn on its own.

Presented with 10 million digital images found in YouTube videos, what did Google’s brain do? What millions of humans do with YouTube: looked for cats.

The neural network taught itself to recognize cats, which is actually no frivolous activity. This week the researchers will present the results of their work at a conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Google scientists and programmers will note that while it is hardly news that the Internet is full of cat videos, the simulation nevertheless surprised them. It performed far better than any previous effort by roughly doubling its accuracy in recognizing objects in a challenging list of 20,000 distinct items.

It's not just humans that are looking at cat videos."

Comment Re:yeah, except for the true part (Score 1) 305

Damn. I was just pulling my pitchfork and torch out of the shed. Thought it was interesting; should have done more research.

Stay negative; just with the old hybridization-method they managed to create something that in field conditions produced enough cyanide to kill a cow. Now consider GM crops, including possible hybrids, and if they're more or less likely to have unintended consequences. Yes, they're the most tested seeds and plants ever, but we test medicines too and there are occasional failures... also boxes of pills are easier to recall than plants from the wild.

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