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Comment Re:Was Intuit important in the past or something? (Score 1) 304

Because unlike yourself, I have worked with many, many thousands lines of (current, not ancient) code. Doing so requires discipline and good skills by all team members to be able to be productive and keep the project streamlined and on time. It is a good read for all professionals involved in the software industry. If you don't care about either the company or code, why the funk are you reading this and posting here???

Comment Not for gamers (Score 1) 559

Most folks that build their own machines or upgrade them are gamers and enthusiasts that need PCs. You can't replace a PC with a tablet for gaming or development for example. There are those that just want to play with the insides and change them around. I don't consider myself a true modder yet I have toyed around with upgrading my video card a couple of times, adding hard disks and adding an extra fan that I'm not too sure helps or not.

Comment Re:Tablets and smartphones for developers (Score 1) 516

I also wonder how hard it is to develop for Windows 8 haven't even done one google search have you? For Windows 7, you use the free version of Visual Studio for WP7...with integrated WP7 emulator and use C#. I paid a one time fee of $100 and have developed and published 5 apps so far. Developing for WP7 is very easy and enjoyable I would say (integrating ads using the Microsoft's ad SDK is soooooooo easy).

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