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Comment Crusader No Regret (Score 1) 325

A really good game for it's age and quite unknown. It's a 3rd-person shooter with incredibly sharp graphics (for a 1995 DOS game), nice music (not midi!) and lots of video cutscenes with good actors. The story is very deep and immersive. I like it so much I'm still playing it (in a DOS box).

Comment Re:Blame piracy (Score 1) 497

The profit margins could be really improved if it was impossible to pirate games, resulting in better and more games.

There's virtually no piracy in the PS3 platform. Do we really have better and more games for PS3? There's more indie games for PS3? I don't think so...
And what about price? In my country, PS3 games are almost 2x more expensive than Wii or PC games.
I think the logic here must be the inverse. Make more, better and cheaper games, and piracy will be weakened.

Comment Re:typewriter still works? (Score 2, Interesting) 227

But you can easily remanufacture an existing ink ribbon, OTOH, you cant do the same with a dead hard disk.
Another advantage of the typewriter over the PC: even if both works, a vintage typewriter will always be compatible with today's office supplements (paper), and its easy to extract the data inserted (read the paper with your eyeballs, or OCR it). A 20+ years old PC uses physical media that aren't produced anymore, and its far more difficult to extract the data (old media, connections).

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
