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Comment Re:Just saying.. (Score 1) 40

Hello, customer support? Yeah, I was driving my new car and when I turned towards my favorite store, the speed dropped to half. What? No, I wasn't going to Wal-Mart, I was going to a different... What? Wal-Mart is your preferred partner? What does that even mean?.... So my car can only go the speed limit if I'm driving to stores that you've partnered with and going anywhere else will result in a speed reduction? AND THE WINDOWS WON'T ROLL UP OR THE DOORS LOCK IN A COMPETITOR'S PARKING LOT?

Comment Re:So... here's a summary: (Score 4, Informative) 62

The "City of London" is not the same as London, England. The "City of London" is a small area with a population of less than 10,000 permanent residents in London's financial district. The police force known as City of London Police makes an appearance in a lot of UK based copyright crimes as they are basically a for-hire police force who will arrest anyone for the right price.

Comment Re:I wonder what else that Apple can fix (Score -1, Troll) 63

I don't know of a single automobile manufacturer that is desperate for new car sales that won't let you repair the one you have. "Oops, you cracked the windshield on your 9 month old, $65,000 car? Better trade it in and receive $5,000 towards the purchase of a newer model!"

Comment Re:Newsflash, everyone does this (Score 2) 79

The difference is that Amazon is an e-commerce marketplace open to everyone. Imagine if you paid Target $40,000 per month to carry your product in stores, and they put up a laminated cardstock image on the back of a shelf with a notice to "ask an employee to retrieve one for you from the warehouse" while all of the Target branded products are right there for you to grab and put in your cart.

This is no different than Google recommending their own solutions over paid advertisers in Google searches. It's not wrong as long as they make it clear that "searches may include our own branded products in a higher position than our competitors - do your due diligence to make sure you're selecting the correct item to fit your needs".

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
