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Comment Re:Hypocrite (Score 1) 182

Huh??? Interesting tactic ....

The topic is:

USA Administration Says Huawei, Hikvision Backed By Chinese Military

The vice versa is true as well - Foreign country administration says <us company x>, <us company y> are controlled and backed by us military.

Please stay on-topic.

The us govt is actually even worse - they control a company that is not even located in the us.
Company based in Switzerland controlled by CIA

Comment Re:Misplaced priorities by the fella with power!! (Score 1) 182

That's laughable ...

American agencies are lying ... And you know it.

Statements to the public regarding NSA operations

On June 6, 2013, the day after Snowden's revelations, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper released a statement admitting the NSA collects telephony metadata on millions of Americans telephone calls.

Are you anti-American intelligence?

What if I am?

Are you believing foreign leaders and denying our own US intelligence reports?

No need to - the following people have told us plenty.

NSA Whistleblowers:

William Binney
Thomas Drake
Edward Snowden
Mark Klein
Thomas Tamm
Russ Tice

Comment Re:Hypocrite (Score 1) 182

The problem with your post and the ones below is, that y'all always make this into an "us versus them" thing.

Nowhere did I write that I agree or disagree what what China or any other country is doing.

And like I wrote below - have you been paying attention to what is happening in your country ...

Before you say anything about other countries, you better take care of your own shit first.

Comment Re:Hypocrite (Score 2, Insightful) 182

You can tell me when the US starts killing political prisoners by harvesting their organs..
Or when the US starts invading countries and claiming that they are part of their country...
Or when the US sends in the military with tanks to shut down a peaceful protest by killing about 10000 people.

Have you been paying attention to what is happening in your country ...

Comment Hypocrite (Score 2, Insightful) 182

Guess who controls Google, Microsoft, etc. using a tool called NSL?

Yes - the us govt.

And we have proof that the us govt is actually doing this.

As a result of these NSLs big us companies are in bed with the NSA et al.

NSA Utah Data Center
Camp Williams

This facility will greatly increase the NSA's ability to store and process millions of emails, IMs, SMS, and phone calls made daily by people around the world and in the United States.

I don't give a shit what happens inside your country. but leave the rest of us fuckin' alone!!!

I am sick and tired of arguing with people like You. You think you're the "greatest" country on this planet. Well - you're fucking not.

FYI - The NSA is part of the us military.

And just in case y'all are dense - us companies are controlled by the us military / us govt just the same.

The Pot calling the Kettle black ...

You have lost your moral high ground.

Comment Re:Chinese and Russians (Score 0) 112

How about the rest of the world pisses on your fucking server farms, You hypocrite.


This facility will greatly increase the NSA's ability to store and process millions of emails, IMs, SMS, and phone calls made daily by people around the world and in the United States.

And just FYI - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/....

As a result of these NSLs big us companies are in bed with the NSA et al.

So tell me again why should the rest of the world trust the usa.

I am sick and tired of arguing with people like You. You think you're the "greatest" country on this planet. Well - you're fucking not.

A little humility on Your part would go far ...

Comment Oh Really ... (Score 1) 86

But this is not the way to tackle climate change -- it's not going to happen by forcing behavior changes on people.

Oh Really?!?!

The ONLY thing that will get y'all out of this mess is behavior changes. BIG TIME!!!

Money will not get y'all out of this mess - fuck co2 credits, etc.

What will get y'all out of this mess is:
- stop population growth: aka. stop fucking like rabbits.
- stop fucking tourism.

Have y'all been paying attention the last few months - stop doing shit actually helps.

The world should NOT go back to "normal".


Comment Re:Today's Internet is a joke. (Score 1) 39

by know-nothing cunt ( 6546228 )

Nobody gives a shit about your problems with the internet.

Oh Really???

Your username indeed says it all - you do know nothing.

People who live outside the walled gardens of apple/google/et. al. actually do understand what this person is talking about.

Yesterday I asked several questions regarding this "app". Do you think I got any answers? No - of course not.

But then ... only people who live outside the walled gardens of <big tech>, know and understand why I asked those questions. And that's a small and shrinking group of people. Sadly.

Stories are posted way too fast on Slashdot. People do not take the time anymore to actually read and reply and have proper discussions. And that includes this Anonymous Coward - he posts all these complaints, which I agree with, but he does not actually discuss with people and talk about solutions. He does not want to talk about what we as a tech community (what's left of it) can do to change this.

I am Out!

Comment Re:Singapore's solution... (Score 0) 221

  1. You expect me to trust this url:
  2. Is this apk available on f-droid? No. Then forget it.
  3. Is this apk available for download from the Singapore MOH website?? No. Then forget it.
  4. You expect me to trust this domain name???

    www.moh.gov.sg. 14326 IN CNAME d12xdv9roklacw.cloudfront.net

    Cloudfront??? Yeah right ...
    Fuckin' Cloudfront is an adware malware network. Gee - Get a clue!!!

This is all so untrustworthy.

Comment This is very sad. (Score 1) 17

Only 16 comments. Very sad!

This is the same kind of complacency as in 2013.

Big companies / governments do bad things. And then ... Nothing.

Scandalous bug causing privacy and security nightmare for Google

Google kills URL

Since people have no clue anymore about basic internet terminology, bad things are happening. And this lack of knowledge makes it very easy for bad actors to do their thing.

Comment Dear Fucking Mozilla et. al. - How about ... (Score 1) 34

  • ... not collecting that kind of data in the first place.
  • ... listening to the users of Firefox; what they want and do not want.

Firefox forces its automatic updates anyway. Just call it this unfinished thingy. It amazes me how this development thing works. Everyone just produces unfinished works, that are built on top of unfinished frameworks etc ...
In the real (physical world) if you deliver an unfinished product you are not getting paid, simple as that.
Not on the WWW, you send it and work out the "bugs" later. Bugs, nice name for broken software or poor craftsmanship. In the real world you would of lost your job.

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