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User Journal

Journal Journal: Firefly to return as movie

Firefly Support reports that a Firefly movie is now certain. Adam Baldwin, who played Jayne, has confrimed this on the Official Fox board (which is still around). Being a movie this will take longer, it is expected to be ready in 18 months.

A DVD release of the series is set for release later this year.

User Journal

Journal Journal: FIrefly flies again 1

Joss Whedon's 'anti-Trek drama' Firefly, by many called the best new sci-fi series, met with an untimely end last year despite making more money than Whedons two other shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. A hit with the critics and many internet users, the program was Foxed by being preempted, not promoted with episodes shown in a peculiar order (with the Pilot show as the last episode!) Several episodes weren't shown at all, but now the British ScifFi channel has bought the entire series and starts showing it beginning May.
The moderator of the official Sci-fi UK board confirmed this today. Fans are already hoping that the previously unaired episodes will leak across the pond.

User Journal

Journal Journal: U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup 2

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bad stylesheets

Sites who reduced readability because of misuse of stylesheets.


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