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Comment Re:Where's my false equivalency posts? (Score 1) 100

Where are the fools who always pop up under a story like this to explain to us, with great indignation, why it is no better in the West, that the West does the same thing? Whenever China, Iran, North Korea, Egypt, Zimbabwe, etc., does anything vile with human rights, I need the solace of my false equivalency fools who are always there to tell me why in the West it is exactly the same, and no better.

It's not only the absolute amount of freedom that's important, you also have to consider the time derivative. While I obviously appreciate the relatively large amount of freedom we currently enjoy, the way "the west" generally seems to be headed now, I'm not sure it will still be a place I want to live in in 10 or 20 years.


Submission + - Intel discovers SATA chipset bug, $300M to fix (anandtech.com)

jmcbain writes: Anandtech reports that Intel has identified a bug in the 6-series chipset, specifically in its SATA controller. Intel states that "In some cases, the Serial-ATA (SATA) ports within the chipsets may degrade over time, potentially impacting the performance or functionality of SATA-linked devices such as hard disk drives and DVD-drives." The fix requires new hardware, which means you will have to exchange your motherboard for a new one. Intel will begin shipping the fixed version of the chipset in late February. The recall will reduce Intel's revenue by around $300 million and cost around $700 million to completely repair and replace affected systems.

Comment Re:So much focus on the protest, none on the topic (Score 1) 167

The linked story talks about the reasons for the protest in Cairo (namely, wanting the current president of 29 years out, and wanting the 29-year "state of emergency" and corresponding suspension of rights to stop). The summary here just talks about the actions taken against the protesters, and the blocking of Twitter.

Have you been asleep?

A revolution is happening in Tunisia. Protests similar to the beginnings there have been reported from Algeria. People are setting themselves on fire to make a statement. The Egyptian regime has been trying to control unrest by capping food and oil prices for the last few weeks.

Is it really necessary to point out what the Egyptians are unhappy about? Isn't it obvious?

Hint: poverty, exploitation, dictatorship, greed, corruption, astronomical food prices, general lack of freedom... enough reasons already?

There's never a single reason for protests of this scale. A single-issue campaign probably also won't get the president's son and "heir to the throne" to flee the country.

Comment Re:Israel has the right to exist in peace... (Score 1) 760

Nobody of the Jewish faith is allowed to pray on the temple mount.

To quote the fount of all knowledge: Although freedom of access was enshrined in the law, as a security measure, the Israeli government currently enforce a ban on non-Muslim prayer on the site.

So it's apparently not the Palestinians who have a problem with Jews praying there.

And while Palestinian settlers can pick any valley they want to to build houses in and they don't even have to pay taxes on them, it is illegal for Jewish settlers to do the same on barren, rocky hilltops.

Citation please? The way I keep hearing that story seems to be quite the opposite. Jewish settlers are offered financial incentives (source, source), while the majority of Palestinian building permits are turned down (source).

A friend of mine visited the West Bank last summer. She worked at a small Palestinian farm which was denied electricity and running water. She saw families who lived in caves because their houses had been torn down and they weren't allowed to build new ones. The village she worked in was ~10km away from the next. What would normally be a 10 minute drive had been turned into a 1 hour journey because the separation wall conveniently deviated from the 1949 border, along which it was supposed to be built, to include a Jewish settlement.

Yeah, I totally see the Israelis being oppressed here...

Comment Option Explicit (Score 1) 2

Can't you just write "Option Explicit" at the beginning of the .bas file? Also, you're free to declare your variables even if it's not required.

But it's been 7 years or so since I've last used VB, and I've never used it with Access, so I'm not sure I understand correctly what you mean.

Comment Re:Just stop it (Score 1) 317

Now that might be different if you're travelling first class. But, keeping the lack of flexibility in mind (because owning a car AND using public transportation is economic bullshit), public transportation becomes very, very expensive all of a sudden.

And that's why public transportation should be paid for by taxes and free to use.

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