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Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 224

Actually, we would have had a much less expensive plan, but we couldn't get it by the conservatives. It's called single-payer, and I've used it in Canada. It has also been available to me in a dozen other countries that I've worked in, but fortunately I never needed it there. It works pretty well. So well indeed that most civilized countries have it.

I'm sorry that you didn't understand my presentation. Or that you understood it and can't accept it. I've thought about it for a very long time and I'm pretty sure of it.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 2) 224

I think you have to look at where the funding comes from for Republican and conservative causes. Don't just look at candidate funding, even election advertising has a lot of funding that isn't straight to the candidate.

Although there might be no shortage of self-employed Republicans, they don't really call the shots for the party. It's the very deep pockets who do.

Comment Re:So what's the alternative? (Score 1) 422

No, it's more complicated. X86 historically used 80-bit floating point numbers internally and translated to 64-bit as needed. That causes a lot of very subtle bugs if you're not careful - they do not affect the result too much, but they're there. It's easier now, because most CPUs simply use 64-bit floats.

Comment Re:Fuel economy? (Score 1) 119

88% efficiency means that out of every 1KWt*hr you pull from your outlet, 0.88KWt*Hr will be used to propel the car. And it's the TOTAL efficiency, including the battery charging overhead.

I have a Chevy Volt with 10.5KWt*hr of battery storage, it takes about 11.2KWt*Hr to charge it completely. So we're talking about ~5% loss during the charging. With other losses in the high-voltage system, the 88% figure seems believable.

Comment Re: Bah (Score 1) 209

What do you mean by 'terrestrial eye'? An eye filled with air instead of liquid? It won't make any difference in efficiency. You really can't make eyes to look much different than they are.

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