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Comment Re:According to the lawsuit (Score 1) 90

It generally falls on the victim to sue, which means that if you aren't rich enough to hire your own lawyer there's a very large incentive not to seek justice for harassment. The exception sometimes is criminals with deep enough pockets to be able to pay a large claim, but not such deep pockets that they can simply buy their way out of trouble.

Comment Re:Oh great (Score 0, Troll) 134

To be fair, humanity has come a long way since "Kill the guys next door, kidnap and rape their women and make them your slave/wives" was the social norm.

Well, except in China, anywhere, where they are still pulling this crap with their minorities.

Comment Re:How could they possibly know? (Score 1) 50

Large impactor hits pluto, ejects a bunch of ice on an extra-solar voyage, oumuamua is born.

This isn't, "We shot a laser at the rock and it turns out it wasn't what we thought." This is, "We made a bunch of assumptions that show that whatever this rock is, there's no way this other guy can possibly be right about what it might be."

Wake me up on data.

Comment Re:uhhh (Score 1) 99

The issue is, if you don't want data synced between computers -- like, say, you have a work PC that has proprietary, non-disclosable information you access through a browser, and a home PC that has personal websites you'd rather your co-workers not see, have access to and make fun of -- Microsoft still grabs all of that information from both computers if they are Windows machines.

Comment Re: Are they giving everybody a free phone? (Score 1, Informative) 122

Six months after first public rollout we're going to see a wave of identity thefts as Apple's "completely secure" ID storage is broken into by every major state actor. This provides a large, low-risk, high-reward payday to anyone who can compromise those databases.

Comment Re:Catch-22 (Score 2) 74

To use an extreme example, if a company can profitably turn human corpses - a waste product by any measure - into tasty, nutritious protein bars, then a modern company will feel it has a fiduciary obligation to its shareholders to do so.

And if the supply of corpses begins to run low and thus affect production, the company should feel no compunctions over inciting gang violence, high-risk behaviors and other methods to increase the supply of corpses for its protein bar manufacture.

Morality gets into -everything-. Pretending it doesn't is just another kind of morality - usually called being amoral.

Comment If someone wants... (Score 0) 271

If someone wants to use the bathroom without Tim Cook knowing about it, monetizing that data and taking a 30% cut, clearly they have something to hide. It's like a supermarket -not- putting cameras and a peep show in front of their bathroom stalls. No sane supermarket would fail to monetize on their bathrooms in this way; it would be fiscally irresponsible not to let whomever wants to pay for a show, pay for it at the expense of the bathroom users. They would never think about doing that in today's time; it's just too risky.

Comment Re:Copyright is censorship (Score 1) 34

Back in the day, if you wanted to steal a work of text, you had to go through a fairly laborious process including copying it out by hand. And the payout wasn't likely to be very big. Nobody was making a living selling bootleg books out of suitcases two hundred years ago. Now, you copy, paste, and you have an entire CD-ROM full of books. Hit print, and your CD printer starts churning out bootleg data for the masses. Or just publish the contents on your hyperblag for ad revenue.

Comment Re:Nice echo chamber you got there. (Score 1) 225

It's also a training ground where less-extreme moderates can be trained in extremist and jihadist behavior, and where extremists can be trained in passing as socially-acceptable normalites.

We've been fighting jihadist Islam for 20 years, this is straight out of their play book.

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