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Comment Re: "The Beating of a Liberal" (Score 2, Insightful) 56

I paid for part of my education by serving in the USMC.

I'm educated. Like many educated people, I'm pretty fucking liberal (by American political standards).

Tax the wealthy at a reasonable level, tax corporations at a reasonable level, pull out of foreign engagements, and actually pay for Americans to be healthy and educated. Increased safety and happiness will likely follow. I don't give a shit what you do in your bedroom, so long as it's consensual - keep your religion out of my politics. Close the loopholes and actually make them pay their share.

You know, that sorta shit...

By the American-right standards, that makes me a 'commie pinko fag'.

I actually don't mind paying taxes. My tax burden is pretty high, but I could easily stand higher rates. (I don't even write off most charitable donations, as my way of doing a bit more. Nor do I keep track and write off all sorts of things that I could easily, and legally, claim as expenses.) I do mind how my taxes are spent.

So, while the OP is a troll, I dare say not all Marines are going to want to harm liberals. If anything, many of us would defend them from the morons who'd inflict harm based on political ideology.

Comment Re:do they pay for an data plan / phone plan + at (Score 1) 231

If the company didn't provide a work phone, in modernity, I'd buy my own cheap device and use it for work. I'd consider it a work-related expense, like appropriate clothing for work and my lunch expenses. I'd budget accordingly and probably try to write it off on my taxes.

I'd do that, rather than give my personal phone number to my employer or before installing employer-related applications on my phone.

Comment Re:Five laptops (Score 2) 301

I had a laptop that drank almost as much beer as I did. (That's a bit of an exaggeration.)

The thing was magical, however. Every time it drank a beer, it only killed the keyboard. I replaced the keyboard in it so many times (it went through four or five) that I had the process down to under 15 minutes to replace it - on a laptop that went together like a 3D puzzle. I have no idea why it only killed the keyboard and nothing else, as it sure consumed a lot of beer.

Comment Re: Typical (Score 1) 329

The context here was that if you doing more testing, you will get higher published numbers to a place that doesn't test as much. That is logical isn't it?

So you sit there and, presumably with a straight face, tell us that "when you test, you create cases" does not in fact mean that when you test you create cases, but instead means something entirely different from what the words actually say, and you expect us to agree with your "logic?"

Comment Re:Is anyone surprised? (Score 1) 120

If we're going to mention BioWare, then I would put Anthem rather than Mass Effect: Andromeda.

If ME:A didn't have the McLargeHuge shadow of the original Mass Effect trilogy to crawl out from under, or was in fact an entirely unrelated IP, it would have had a forgiving and reasonable entry to the games market. I bought and played it about 16 months after its debut. The game was fine.

Anthem on the other hand was a hot mess. The number of times I managed to get onto the servers was in the single digits. It continuously crashed to desktop when the server request timed out.

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