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Comment Re:I must be getting old (Score 1) 284

...and FOSS being the sane choice for the most hostile company towards it doesn't qualify as success? Do I need to remind you of their past EEE and FUD strategies against it?
I mean, other than all the community goodness and hacker ethics and what-have-you, we DO want to actually make a living by FOSS, no?
Plus, it is kind of ridiculous for Microsoft to continue their claims that the GPL is not enforcable, or viral, or financially unprofitable when they use it themselves. These do sound like successes to me.

Comment Re:Rejoice! (Score 2, Interesting) 380

A more careful reading of 1984 would help you realise that Orwell believes that the class war is ultimately circular, with the rising of a middle class which grows powerful enough to be the upper class, no matter which political system is applied, be it medieval mercadillism, capitalism, communism, the fictional Tao or whatever. Also, Emmanuel Goldstein is the "enemy" his loyalties and beliefs the target of the propaganda of the Socialist State. I.e. when Oceania is at war with Anatolasia, he is supposedly "taoist"
Literary inaccuracies addressed, even if you were right, that doesn't change the fact that cheap labour in an oppressive communist state is exploited by rich capitalists in an economically imperial state and that the rest of the world sees the inequalities created by this system and despises the state that harbours them. Your attack is on my analogy, not on my argument and its worth is mostly philological.

Comment Rejoice! (Score 1) 380

Americans rejoice as the exploitation of cheap workers in far away oppressive countries makes filthy rich investors who happen to live closer, rather than further. The rest of the world's feelings about economic imperialism and the resentment these inequalities create are the products of Emmanuel Goldstein

Submission + - Water on the Dark Side of the Moon (

pm_rat_poison writes: A very important discovery, which sheds light on our solar system and opens up the way for human extra-terrestrial permanent settlements occurred today, as a result of the efforts of the LCROSS mission: A "significant" amount of water was discovered on a crater on the Dark Side of the Moon, supported by multiple lines of evidence.

Comment Genious Marketing (Score 2, Insightful) 131

Sure Microsoft, that IS a good idea! Ad-supported native software, straight from the mothership. Nothing gives a better impression than a cheapskate company trying to squeeze an extra buck off trivial software! Next time, require 3 subscriptions in spam lists for your notepad equivalent-du-jour, that'll bring in some extra cash!

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
