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Comment Re:Yet more fragmentation (Score 1) 252

Maybe in compilers, kernel, or server software ? You know, all of those stuff that are used everywhere but working almost so well that no one care about them, listed on

take kvm for example, you likely depend on it dues to the use of vm and cloud, but you do not link the VM that host some blog to RH money, that paid kvm developpers. You send a email, but you do not think "maybe that's because people have been working on the kernel networking side, paid by a company". You do not think "maybe my bank is using RHEL and some security problem were prevented due to selinux or general hardening thanks to stuff paid by RH".

And the same goes to lots of others company too, Intel, IBM, Suse, etc. That's where the money goes. Or to sponsoring of Linux Foundation, Gnome foundation, Openstack, eclipse, etc. Or maybe to lawyers ( see rackspace vs some patent troll, see OIN ).

Comment Re:Somebody needs to remind him (Score 5, Interesting) 302

He try to frame things in a binary fashion. Either you want to have easy stuff on the desktop and then you should not criticize him, or if you are against him, then are against having stuff for everybody. That's just a rhetorical tactic.

In practice, the issue is not that Ubuntu make things easy, because that's a good things to do, it is that Canonical is not respecting the community and do not discuss, because they think time to market ( or cadence, as they explain ) is more important. That's ok to believe that, but you have to be clear. removal of UDS 3 months before without discussing first, lack of respect for those that have bought plan ticket, and took care of accomodation. Not caring about community rules ( ie pushing changes after freeze ), that's the same, not caring about respecting rules for community. Using the Ubuntu name becuase they own the trademark. Not respecting the rules that community should follow.

Of course, Mark never say he is treating people unequally. Or never even try to defend that, he prefer to attack stawman, like the minority of people who think "ubuntu should be kept for elite". I never seen people like this, at most, I have seen people that complain we removed what they used, which is not exactly the same. So yeah, infuriating opponents by using lame tactics is the way he react to that. He did like this for the Amazon issue, he did that for Unity, etc.
The only thing I can say is that he is being too emotional about the project, thus making everybody realize this is *his* pet project, not the one of everybody.

Comment Re:Pro Exploitation CEO (Score 3, Insightful) 1313

Working in a US company, I can ensure that US people tend to forget that there is a timezone issue, that people have different taxes in Europe, different keyboards per country, differents laws, etc. US residents are pretty unaware of the difference this make, because when your country is a federation taking half of the continent, you are not really thinking of case where this is different.

So yeah, maybe they got screwed up by their lawyers. Maybe they tought that 24h support was a given, maybe they gave contradictory requests ( like take the cheapest option, and the best one too ). maybe indeed the german company was happy to do it during the night, because they were more expensive. Without any data, we cannot do much ( and seriously, even studies on productivity are bullshit, when I am doing nothing in a meeting, i am not producting anything, but when my manager is, he is doing his job and paid more, search the error ). Heck, if I do a car, and no one buy it, is this productive ? If I produce luxury goods, am I more productive because that's sold at a much more expensive price ?


Submission + - Fedora proposal to support FreeBSD kernel and Cinnamon by default (

An anonymous reader writes: Following the controversial changes pushed by the Red Hat backed Gnome Foundation and the systemd project on Fedora, some members of the community decided to rebel against it by proposing 2 changes to bring back the stability and productivity to users. The first one is about using Cinnamon by default, a Gnome 3 fork aiming at providing a more productive desktop environment, based on the Gnome stack. Cinnamon is already offered by Mint, one of of the most used and popular Linux desktop distribution and is present since Fedora 17 as a option. But the 2nd proposal is much more controversial. based on the rise of Debian, Gentoo or Arch Linux port on Freebsd, a group of developers propose to port the user space of Fedora to FreeBSD, and offer FreeBSD kernel as a option, citing features like ZFS as a justification. Of course, this also bring into questions the limitation of systemd and many others tools.

Comment Re:See this comparison. Wikipedia is moving, too. (Score 1) 116

On top on innovation ? Not really. Debian has become too big to innovate fast, and Debian is a little bit too often in freeze ( like 20% of time ) due to release pressure.

Mageia did it last year, so of course, this is doable, but for something of the size of debian, moving from mysql to mariadb is not easy to do, as you have dependency all over the archive.

Comment Re:Options are good. (Score 1) 162

That's because the whole idea of being touchscreen friendly is a strawman argument. Gnome-shell designers acknowledge there is lots to do to have a touch friendly interface, yet people think otherwise and think gnome-shell was designed for that. Then they say this is not adapted, then the designers got it wrong, despites them saying this is nor finished nor a immediate goal.

That just show how clueless are some of the gnome-haters crowd. If something look different from win 3.11, that doesn't mean this is touch friendly. Some people struggle with small icons even with a mouse, for example.

And that's not because smartphone use big icons for their touch interface that anything using it is made for touch interface. That's just a logical fallacy.

Comment Re:Less Hand-Wringing, More Get Shit Done (Score 1) 162

> The fact that Linux users are less likely to be passive herd followers should be no surprise to anyone.

given the number of people who just rant without having any clues, based on the substance of the ran ( ie, people who complained on nautilus without trying it, for example, like the mint guys ), there is more followers than you think ( or the systemd hate , the only thing that turned "BSD is dying" into "the facist german coders of Linux are trying to kill BSD by using features of the kernel" ). Ubuntu brought lots of non technical users, and while this is good, they also brought a mindset of "let's complain on the forum because unlike my previous OS? I think people are here to hear me rant". The monetization of eyes balls as operated by pseudo jounalists like phoronix, sjnv or sam varghese didn't help either ( ie, the more they flame, the more ads they serve, the more they earn, the more they can survive, because Linux stories are not interesting enough for mainstream to not use such tricks ( ie, too few users for now ). People crave for drama, because they can relate too. Spending time to help, not a chance.

Comment Re:Less Hand-Wringing, More Get Shit Done (Score 1) 162

"real work" is like "this is breaking my workflow", a term used by people who do not like the new shells, but cannot explain why, and yet think they know better.

It is used to sound like a professional, so being important ( note the use of "work", so people who disagree are not pro, therefore of a lower social status ). Yet, they complain on /. as anonymous cowards. Sure, there is people who may prefer the old way. That's rather unavoidable. I have seen people saying they preferred dos, or amiga or anything. Once you decided that something, crappy or not, is what you like, you start to rationalize your choice and find bogus or not less bogus reasons to justify your own opinion. But because it is valid for you doesn't mean anything regarding others.
So some people are bothered because not listened, and instead of thinking and reflecting about themself, they just go and think the others are wrong, no matter if they are or not.

In the end, you cannot conclude anything about such rants, so they fuel themself their hate, by being totally useless. And of course, explaining why the rant is useless just make people more angry, so in the end, you spend lotsof time to get information they cannot give, so that's too often a time waste.

And worst, by being a time waste, they prevent people from fixing real bugs, or just finding a better design for the issue they are facing ( but are unable to explain ).

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