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Comment Beards fallen off (Score 0) 81

Ah the horrenduus disaster editor that was originally designed for teletype writer terminals and fundamentally operates as if that is the platform. The editor that no-one in their right mind knows how to quit after mistakenly opening it. The editor so hideously unusable that you'd rather use ed or se. The editor only used by "professionals" so old their beards have actually fallen off, or alternatively by unprofessional young beginners trying to seem hip and deep by using an unusable editor.

A dedicated "Escape Meta Alt Control Shift" user :)

Comment Re:I like Ubuntu. (Score 2) 181

"...a excuse for poorly maintaining the OS"

Much more than that they are an excuse for incompetent and lazy developers, which is essentially most of them. People who out of incompetence just always "need" to use the latest version of libraries, and also are too lazy to just integrate with Linux desktops' packaging systems.

Comment Re:Teams doens't need pwnd (Score 1) 17

"Teams is what happens when you let programmers design software."

It is also what has given us tagging over than using folder structure, the dark UI fad, and client-side decorations. Because developers are generally not very smart, and by the nature of their work are focussed on only their little app rather than complete UX and UI for a user and their device plus applications.

Comment Re:Is this the same company? (Score 1) 78

Not so sure about that.
Your /whole/ Google account might be blocked forever with no recourse, if you make a mistake with one of a zillion of trap questions, unwittingly allow Google to upload all your pictures to their cloud, and they find a picture of your little son having a bath or so.
On top of that, scores of complete YouTube accounts and playlists have been disappeared since forever, with an apparent recent uptick to support the western anti-Russia war-propaganda.

Comment Difference (Score 1) 481

I wonder how many people will manage to keep discerning between "radicalisation on 4chhan" (if that even really is what it should be called), and "radicalisation by 4chan".

Forgive me for thinking that it sometimes seems to be the latter impression our fine mainstream media are trying to leave behind with their readers.

Comment Re:Not a chance. (Score 2) 204

You seem to not understand how the EU works.
EU member states have contractually committed themselves to be little more than slave states concerning EU edicts like this. If a new EU edict has been proclaimed, member nations are contractually obliged to make it into national law, whatever way, under threat of punishment.

Comment Exploiting humans is not acceptable; it's slavery. (Score 1) 92

"... the real problem is that human productivity ultimately has a ceiling"

I wouldn't say that that is the problem. Such thinking shows the author accepts the notion of workers in a capitalist economic systems being modern slaves. Capitalist expectations of literally limitless riches for a happy few are the problem.

Comment Re:Does anybody still care about RMS? (Score 1) 112

I can see some of the actual bad things he has done to women have not surfaced as much.

That is because he did not do bad things to women, hence there is nothing to surface.

You however are just another troll trying to destroy people you don't know because the tribe yuo identify with has chosen said person as a target for destruction.

Comment Re:Wrong title (Score 1) 48

Spot on. Apart from security concerns this is a movement pushed by lazy and incompetent developers (a miniscule fraction of the people involved with applications) who always use the latest and greatest libraries because they have the most up tp date functionality. But the practice is to the detriment of users (the vast majority of people involved in an application) who are forced to update their OS near daily. Not because there is a proper functional motivation, but simply because said developers have made the "production" version of their software dependent on impossibly recent versions of libraries.

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