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Submission + - How green is your code? (bit-matrix.com)

skaralic writes: In the Internet era, power consumption is a numbers game and small code inefficiencies when multiplied over millions of users generate real impact in terms of power usage. While you might optimize your server-size code efficiency and performance, less attention is paid to casual client-side apps. This blog article puts some numbers to a typical such scenario of a power hungry Flash widget and how much CO2 is released in the atmosphere when you brute-force or hack something that could have been done more efficiently.

Submission + - Antivirus: A waste of 50% of your HD throughput? (codinghorror.com)

dwalsh writes: Are we wasting our (Windows) computers performance on a placebo? Jeff Atwood seems to think so:

"The performance cost of virus scanning (lose 50% of disk performance, plus some percent of CPU speed) does not justify the benefit of a 33% detection rate and marginal protection."

"Ask yourself this: why don't Mac users run anti-virus software? Why don't UNIX users run anti-virus software? Because they don't need to. They don't run as administrators."

The article is a criticism of AV as a blacklist approach, that mostly protects against last months viruses. How many Slashdot Windows users rely solely on a firewall, a decent web browser, and good common sense (like Momma used to make it) when it comes to attachments?

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The moon is made of green cheese. -- John Heywood
