I cannot think of a better way to make sure China no longer competes with us than hitching our entire national economy and military readiness to another useless hype bubble that drives us straight into the ground.
The big question is whether Drones will get access to smart A.I. upgrades, and whether the Drones will be allowed to make the decisions to kill human beings.
The sorts of grenade-dropping massacres which we see in the Ukraine videos at /pol/ could probably be spread up by several orders of magnitude if the Drones were allowed access to a smart A.I. upgrade, and were flying roughly 24 hours a day.
A.I.-driven drones are gonna be a Game Changer.
Will the various superpowers have the discipline necessary to refuse to deploy A.I.-driven drones?
I know that I certainly do not want to be the fellow in the /pol/ Ukraine video who's been chased by the drone, just about to drop a grenade on him.
That's gonna be an horrible experience.
The big question is whether Drones will get access to smart A.I. upgrades, and whether the Drones will be allowed to make the decisions to kill human beings.
The sorts of grenade-dropping massacres which we see in the Ukraine videos at
A.I.-driven drones are gonna be a Game Changer.
Will the various superpowers have the discipline necessary to refuse to deploy A.I.-driven drones?
I know that I certainly do not want to be the fellow in the
That's gonna be an horrible experience.