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Comment Re:Marketing (Score 1) 173

This is far from purely marketing. The quality of the search results is what make Google alive and a winner in the first place. Google has little other choice but doing so, even if it means a short-term dip for Chrome in their own search results.

And a little good PR after it doesn't hurt, anyway. I think Google deserves it.


Submission + - Chinese developer web forum stores and leaks 6 mil (thehackernews.com)

gzipped_tar writes: The "Chinese Software Developer Network" (CSDN), operated by Bailian Midami Digital Technology Co., Ltd., is one of the largest networks of software developers in China. A text file with 6 million CSDN user credentials including user names, password, emails, all in clear text, got leaked to the Internet.

The CSDN has issued a letter of apology to its users. In the letter, it is explained that passwords created before April 2009 had been stored in plain text, while later passwords were encrypted. Users created between September 2010 and January 2011 may still suffer from email address leaks.

A summary of the most frequent passwords without the corresponding usernames is available at GitHub. Somewhat surprisingly, the cryptic sounding password "dearbook" ranks 4th with 46053 accounts using it.

Comment Re:It's not worded very well, but... (Score 2) 516

That idea could make great games, not necessarily the "war game" type, but the more "psychological" genre. I can imagine the player being the hero who at some point must choose either to slaughter POWs on his superior's order, or to defend their rights out of his own ethical principles, etc.

On your other point.. I don't think games can do much, nor are they supposed to do that. Those violations indicate systematic problems within the military, and the Red Cross should concentrate their work to get that fixed before trying to make an influence through games.

Comment Re:Banning a HUGE Mistake (Score 1) 754

Then you don't have to ban it. Since the community is aware and responsible, as you and others have indicated, the peer reviewers will stop the manuscript from being accepted. Responsible 3rd party researchers can also make themselves heard and persuade the editors from publishing the result. But there's no need of banning or dictating what kind of research can or cannot be done. Perceived threat of bioterror attack should not compromise the liberty of free speech and academic freedom.

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