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Comment Some worries (Score 4, Insightful) 214

Affordable education sounds like a good idea. But counting a 6-month course as equivalent to a 4-year degree makes me wonder. They simply can not cover as much ground. Learning one programming language is good preparation for a job that needs that one language. Learning three to seven is much better preparation for a job that uses a new language that was not around while studying. Also, if the courses are provided by Google, they will naturally concentrate on using Google's tools. Again, for a wider perspective, it would be good to have seen at least some other environments.

All in all, I believe these courses may work well for helping people to get a job here and now. But I doubt any other company will equate a 6-month course with a 4-year degree even now, and less so when the specifics of the course turn out to be out of date, which happens fast with IT.

Comment Re:Lets compare... (Score 2) 121

Should writers of music lyrics be paid?
Should graphics artists be paid?
Should inventors be paid?
Should craftsmen be paid?

Yes, let's compare: Do people write lyrics and other poetry without getting paid? Do people produce graphics and art without getting paid? Do people come up with inventions without anyone paying for them? Do people spend crazy amounts of time and money on craft projects?

The difference seems to be that when doing work for pay, you do it to the specifications and wishes of the one who is paying. Whereas when doing the same things for the fun of it, you are free to do things exactly the way you like, when you like.

Comment Re:40 years ago ... (Score 1) 325

Me too! Except that it was a Finnish clone of the VIP, called TELMAC. It had 2k of memory, and room for another 2k, "if someone could find use for so much memory", as it said in the manual. Later we got a text-only display card with 16 lines of 64 characters, and extra 8k of memory, and a full keyboard.

In those days I knew the instruction set by heart, and dreamed directly in hex. I wrote a lot of software for the 1802, some games, an assembler (the first version didn't have names for the instructions, since I knew them already and it was faster to type F8 than LDI. It did address calculations), a simple text editor, and a monitor - what I called an operating system then, but today would not even qualify as a BIOS, but it allowed you to edit memory contents in hex or ascii, save and load from (audio cassette) tape, etc. It lived on a 2kb EPROM. Even sold some code for industrial uses.


How a Fake Murder-For-Hire Site Led To Real Convictions ( 38

Harper's profiles sys-admin Chris Monteiro, who moonlights as a white-hat hacker monitoring dark web sites claiming to offer murder-for-hire services. For example, he tipped off one local police department to a $5,000 bitcoin payment someone made to try to arrange the murder of a teenaged girl on a site run by someone named "Yura". [U]sers set up an anonymous account, select from a drop-down menu the kind of violence they would like inflicted, upload the photo and address of their intended target, and wait to hear back through the messaging system. Users often have questions for Yura: How do I know you're for real? Can you make it look like an accident? When they are satisfied, the user transfers bitcoin into a special wallet on the site, where it will ostensibly be held until the job is completed. Instead, Yura takes the money immediately, and makes no attempt to complete the job. The user complains; Yura says he needs more money to hire a better hit man; the user either pays again or asks for a refund; and Yura either disappears or attempts to extort the user by threatening to turn information over to the authorities...

Despite the repulsive intent, there's an element of black comedy to some of the logs from Yura's sites. For one thing, the users' eagerness to believe the service is real leads them to ignore obvious signs that they are being scammed. Yura's marketplaces, for example, use stock photos of assassins or photos pulled from Google image searches. His poor English and poorer knowledge of U.S. geography result in glaring slipups, and the language he employs can make him sound like a customer service representative channeling a B-grade Mafia film. During the back-and-forth on one recent order, the user Happynewyear asked Yura if he could send hit men to Hawaii. "Yes," Yura responded, "we have someone in a nearby state. He can drive to the location with a stolen car and do the job with no problems." Overlooking the fact that the nearest state is 2,500 miles and a considerable swath of the Pacific Ocean away, the user paid him around three thousand dollars.

Reading through the kill orders, it's easy to spot the online disinhibition effect -- the psychologist John Suler's theory of why and how human behavior changes when we log on... So far, according to Monteiro, eight people have been arrested for ordering murders through Yura's websites, on the basis of evidence Monteiro passed to law enforcement. One of them, a young Californian named Beau Brigham, had paid less than $5 toward a hit on his stepmother. Nevertheless, he was found guilty of soliciting murder and sentenced to three years in prison.

One attempted murder was arranged by a man described as "an I.T. professional and elder in the United Church of God," raising an adopted teenaged son with his wife Amy. "[H]e'd been arranging affairs through the infidelity website Ashley Madison but could not consider divorce because of his position in the church." In the end he'd simply carried out the murder himself, but "His exchanges with Yura would prove central to the state's investigation into Amy's death: the bitcoin signature of the payment...matched the key that authorities found on Stephen's hard drive at home. Stephen had attempted to make the death look like a suicide, and the bitcoin key was proof it was not. In January 2018, he was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison."

The article's author, Brian Merchant, writes that it was hard to research. "There is no easy way to say, 'Hello, I found your name on a kill list on the dark net, and while the site is a scam the order is not; someone you likely know wants you dead badly enough to pay thousands of dollars to an impossibly shady website. Give me a ring back anytime'... Of those I was able to contact, about half said they had never been alerted by the police." (Though Monteiro says America's Department of Homeland Services now plans to investigate everyone who's made transactions on Yura's site.)

The article also notes the first known instance of a murder ordered on the dark web and then successfully carried out -- this March, on a different dark web site.

Comment known_hosts only, not login keys (Score 2) 88

If I read the article (or even the summary) correctly, this is about updating the known_hosts file, not authorized_keys. So, even with this enabled, this only affects the "The hostkey has changed" warning message, not who can log in with which keys. Although I am a tad uneasy about automatic key updates, this seems to be fairly safe, and it makes it so much easier to change a hostkey, without bothering all the users of a system.

Comment Libraries (Score 5, Informative) 641

If you write a good useful library in C, it can be used from almost any other language, with little effort. If you write your library in any other language, you limit its use to a handful of related languages. Also, properly written C can be very portable to a wide variety of systems.

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