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Comment Be interesting to see how it is really usedâ& (Score 1) 81

There are entirely too many reports of police stalking women they wanna meet or opposing suitors. At least with the warrant requirement please actually had to make an effort to get information now they can make up any reason to get information on anybody without a warrant. Itâ(TM)s not like Googleâ(TM)s going to track The information is used properly services include email and everything else sounds like a lot of parallel reconstruction is going to be going on after digging through somebodyâ(TM)s information which before police would not have access to.

Comment Trused code and OS (Score 2) 267

The programs written for the weapons are the only item run on the computers for a reason. The code is trusted and audited which is way more important than new and flashy. Changing or updating the underlying OS or code requires a new audit and verification.

The calculations can be done longhand for verification.

Read the rainbow series for more info if they are still in existence.

Submission + - iOS WiFi Bug Allows Remote Reboot Of All Devices In Area 2

BronsCon writes: A recently disclosed flaw in iOS 8 dubbed "No iOS Zone" allows an attacker to create a WiFi hot spot that will cause iOS devices to become unstable, crash, and reboot, even when in offline mode. Adi Sharabani and Yair Amit of Skycure are working with Apple for a fix; but, for now, the only workaround is to simply not be in range of such a malicious network.

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