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Comment Re:Real or not... (Score 1) 223

Well, assuming the story is true, it may be the reason why we've heard nothing about this decades after is that our science and technology are just not up to snuff here and none of those who had access could figure out anything useful (except for velcro :p)

Realisticaly, what exactly could an isolated native tribe in the middle of the Amazon forest do to figure out / replicate a modern fighter jet that happened to crash nearby ?

Comment Re: So... Roughly 2 weeks, if it's on 24/7 ? (Score 1) 48

I imagine you're American, and as such not really familiar with CMU construction. There's a reason it'so widespread: it's both cheap and fast (and the resulting wall is ready for the next phase of construction with the steel reinforcement in place).

You don't get an improvement with every tech gadget that comes up. There's a reason why we've been hearing about 3d printing buildings for more than 15 years and nothing has ever come out of it.

Comment So... Roughly 2 weeks, if it's on 24/7 ? (Score 1) 48

Using premade concrete blocks, I've seen a team of 2-4 masons raising the same kind of building in about 2-3 weeks (with about the same amount of work left, e.g. 95%).

Don't fool yourself, these "concrete 3d printers" bring no improvement to construction. They're just expensive toys funded by idiots who have no grasp on what it really takes to build a completed house.

Comment Re: fastest way to have a recession (Score 1) 237

Actually, there's another solution: link wages to inflation (the former go up along the latter) and let the trend die out slowly over the course of the next 5-10 years. That way, you don't need to engineer a recession. The only ones that'll get hurt will be the investor class, for the workers (that's most people), it'll be painless.

Comment Re:Just another chapter in the ML-1 fiasco (Score 1) 142

Was it really 1 billion dollars ?!

People juggle these numbers as if they were nothing, but just stop for a second and think : why in hell do you need 1 billion dollars to build a launchpad ? (And yes, I am aware it's more than a slab of concrete, a steel pipes rig and a couple of pipes to bring in the fuel). Still.

1 billion ? Really ?

Comment Re:Wireless charging? (Score 1) 314

Considering the huge waste of energy it represents, wireless charging needs to die a fiery, and sooner than later. If the EU law leads to that, so much the better.

Believe me, you'll survive having to take a second more plugin in your phone rather than just putting it down on whatever charging device you may own.

Comment Re:Thats because (Score 1) 274

Sorry but no. The so-called representative democracy isn't democracy. That's just the bullshit we've been fed non-stop for the last century or so in order to tell us we live in democracies.

At least the people who designed the various systems a couple of centuries ago were honest enough to say it as it is. They had had a bunch of arguments to justify their opinion and decisions, and whether you agree with those is entirely up to you. But it is first necessary to acknowledge what the system is.

If you don't agree with me, ask yourself that : if your government decides something (on any subject) that goes against what a large majority of the population wants, is there a legal (and and realistically usable) way for the people to stop it besides waiting for the next elections. If there isn't, it isn't a democracy. If there is, yo might be up to a good start.

Comment Re:Thats because (Score 2) 274

Actually, no, it wasn't (and isn't).

It's been very carefully designed as a Republic in opposition to being a Democracy. It's stated very clearly in the Federalist papers, leaving no room for interpretation.

Your 'Founding Fathers' were very keen on NOT giving power to the people at large : Democracy was seen as Mob Rule. Read your own History, this is no secret or conspiracy.

That said, to be fair, this volontary obfuscating of the reality of the 'democracies' of the world is pretty everywhere you say a country is a democracy.

Comment Re:Therein lies the problem (Score 1) 236

Unfortunately, over the last 10 years we've come to suffer from the same scourge over here in Europe.

Considering that SUV an abysmal car size / Available space ration, anyone who argues they need one because they have so much to move around are either morons or a**holes

Anyone arguing that idea of space needed = SUV should go take a look at japanese one box cars.

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