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Comment We've always done like that (Score 1) 203

There's a lot of "we've always done like that" in those arguments.

A good chunk of those domains (friendship, dating, academics, politics, family dynamics, identity, for instance for sure) can exist over the internet as well. To quote a wise man, "we say AFK, not IRL, because the internet is real life, too". And it's going to be even more so in their adulthood.

We have no idea what the world is going to look like in 30 years. What if the skills and mindset they learn by looking at their smartphone all day end up being more important than the in-person social skills this guy wants to replace them with?

The nerds of the 80's that parent encouraged to turn away from computers have now become highly paid software engineers. What if you're crippling your kids' lives and careers because you want them to grow up the good old, traditional way?

Comment Re:Painfully inept arguments (Score 1) 58

If I hire a human to write a newspaper article for me, and they hand in a copy of an existing article on The New York Times, they're liable for copyright infringement, together with the organization that hired them and published the article. Why should this be different if they use a LLM?

Humans need to be taught not to plagiarize. Why can't OpenAI spend 1% of their training time on detecting and preventing whole chunks of copied text? Or on running Turnitin on all the text they generate?

Comment Re:Programming Code (Score 2) 177

Looks like the solution is (1) don't reinvent the wheel use standard public key / private key crypto, for instance the way SSH does: install a new public key on the car to log on with the keyfob that has the matching private key (2) require users to press a button to unlock the car, like FIDO keys do.

Hardly an unsolved problem, if this was done competently.

Comment Re:Monolithic practices (Score 1) 81

This is like saying that banning the letter E in emails is a good idea, because it would make life harder for Nigerian-prince scammers.

Different paths make life hard for everyone, not just for the malware. The same differences cause trouble to all developers.

Comment Re:Bad Idea (Score 1) 81

Then why do you need separate directories? Set things up so that (1) programs that are meant to be executed by root only have permissions that enforce this, such as 500, and (2) shells autocomplete only the names of programs that are executable by the current user.

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