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Comment Re:This site is SO gay now (Score -1) 164

Yep. It's pretty amazing how thoroughly a minority group of woke people have broadly shut down anyone who doesn't adhere to their particular nonsense.

The hilarious thing is once they are done shutting down any sort of outside thought or opinion, they'll turn on themselves. Enjoy the echo-chamber!

Comment Re:Duty of care (Score 1) 165

So, the problem isn't necessarily the mental health damage to the children, it's that the mental health damage to the children caused them to spend more money?

Sounds like a money grab to me, and it looks like it's par for the course for Seattle Public Schools:

It's not that I don't believe social media (or vape companies) target children with nefarious tactics and should be held accountable. I just don't see why the public school system should directly reap any legal windfall from it.

Comment Re:Duty of care (Score 1) 165

Seems like quite a stretch to me.

Assuming the parents are responsible won't work, too many are irresponsible.

I wasn't suggesting that they sue the parents. It just seems to me that if anyone should be bringing a case against social media for damages to the mental health of children, it should be either the parents or the children, and they should receive the bulk, if not all of any compensation awarded.

If an irresponsible parent allows a kid to bring a gun to school and shoot it up, I want that parent held responsible. If a kid or group of kids is somehow causing financial damages to the schools, let's start there instead of suing social media companies on a lark.

This whole case sounds absurd, but good luck to them.

Comment Re:Pot calling the kettle (Score -1, Troll) 165

My idea is that a lack of reading comprehension causes people to attack straw men. I submit you as an example.

Rather than calling it a straw man or off-topic, you instead used the opportunity to push your gender ideology. Try again.

Sometimes bad idea should be shut down. We had a war about some of those ideas not too long ago, but the guys we had it with are back now and crying about their safe spaces.

Who gets to decide which ideas are bad and should be shut down?

Nobody is coming near kids with that shit unless the kids are already in it. If you taught your kids stupid shit about gender roles that confused them, you've already engaged in sufficient violence, and adding more won't help.

Teach your own kids stupid shit about how men can have babies. My son is perfect the way he was born. I got pretty fucking irritated after the 3rd time the staff at the hospital he was born at asked us if we were SURE we didn't want to circumcise him. Genital mutilation and fucked up hormone treatments are violence.

Comment Re:Pot calling the kettle (Score -1, Troll) 165

Nobody is being exposed to the idea that gender nonconformity causes problems for the first time. That idea has literally been part of the status quo for millennia in most cultures that have been around that long, and used to oppress people the whole time.

Oh, I see you have been spending a lot of time in your own echo chamber. The idea that gender nonconformity doesn't cause problems is just your opinion, and it's far from universally accepted.

Good ideas/truth should stand on their own feet, and not require shutting down any dissenting views. If you think the guy was trolling, use your mod points, don't tell him to fuck off to Twitter.

FWIW, I couldn't care less if people want to cut their dicks off and wear a dress (or vice versa), but I also don't care if other people think it's fucking weird (myself included). Come near my kids with that shit, and I'll get violent. Good luck with your social engineering.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 0) 165

What about everyone else who had to do their jobs throughout covid? Cops, military, hospital workers, truck drivers...even the fucking mail kept getting delivered. Fuck them, but public-school teachers are super special, and taxpayers should just pay them to sit at home because the world is just too dangerous.

As to your question, well shoot, we should just keep all the covid protocols and distance learning bullshit in place then, right? After all, they stop the flu/colds too, and people die from those all the time. Why don't we all just live in bubbles?

Comment Re:Duty of care (Score 1) 165

I agree that much more regulation is needed on social media companies for a lot of reasons, but I am a bit confused as to how Seattle Public Schools has been damaged here. How do they have any basis to sue for what they claim are damages to a 3rd party (the children!)?

If anyone should be suing social media companies, shouldn't it be the parents and/or children? Who is going to get whatever compensation might be awarded?

Comment Re:Taiwan ROC (Score 1) 76

The US forced Japan's surrender with nuclear weapons.

I already made that point in previous posts, and it does nothing to negate the island-hopping campaign of WW2. In pretty all cases, the islands being assaulted had a much, much wider gulf of water between them and were extremely well-fortified.

In terms of number of vessels - yes, China has padded its numbers by fielding a great number of smaller patrol vessels with very little combat capability. In terms of tonnage the US Navy's 4.6 million dwarves the Chinese Navy's 2 million. In terms of large capital ships they are sorely lacking. China has 2 aircraft carriers. The US has 11 carriers - with the capability of pulling some more out of retirement if needed (and several other smaller vessels with aircraft launch capabilities that we don't consider full carriers).

First of all, they are not smaller patrol vessels with very little combat capability. What would be the purpose of a patrol amphibious assault ship? They are not (currently) building carrier groups to project power to the other side of the globe. Aircraft carriers tend to be bigger than amphibious assault ships, submarines, and corvettes. The latter type of ships (China's focus) are ideal for amphibious assaults and controlling shallow waters (like the Chinese coast and South China Sea). They are building ships to assault Taiwan (and some other islands they lay claim to as well, but Taiwain is the big prize). Why on earth would they need massive carrier groups or "floating barges" to launch planes from when they routinely invade Taiwan's airspace from the mainland?

Our military spending outstrips theirs by multiple factors too, and if it came down to nukes our nuclear arsenal is significantly larger.

Our military spending....I can tell you from personal experience, that money is spent extremely poorly. The amount of waste, fraud and abuse is staggering. And even if it wasn't, the general aim of that of spending is to project power across the globe, not to invade an island off the coast and defend your own territory.

China is not (currently) looking to invade countries across the globe, but the CCP wants Taiwan more than anything else in the world, and they have always demonstrated a willingness to use force to achieve their goals. This is not news.

China is also not likely to have any allies in such a conflict. The US would likely have Japan, Australia, and the UK at a minimum.

First, God bless the Brits and Aussies (and Canadians). Japan has only recently expressed any kind of willingness to use their military for anything other than defensive purposes, and I would not count them as a reliable ally in terms of providing boots on the ground, although I did appreciate them sending combat medics to Afghanistan.

North Korea, Russia, Iran immediately come to mind as natural allies of China, and politics always makes strange bedfellows.

China trying to take Taiwan is a losing bid. Heck the only reason we acknowledge the "one China" policy is because we can slyly make them shut up but in the US's eyes there IS only one China - and its government is in Taipei not Beijing.

Well, that is not what the official US policy is.
China certainly has never shut up about this.
And you can help defend that government in Taipei, because no one else in their right mind is going to.

Comment Re:Taiwan ROC (Score 1) 76

Are you basing this on your perception of China's stupidity, or yours for basing military capability on who's nation's propaganda is more adamant?

Talk about the pot and the kettle....Go ahead and believe whoever's propaganda you want. It won't change hard realities.

Taiwan is separated from the mainland by a 100 mile moat. Last time I checked, Chinese soldiers can't march over water to overwhelm Taiwan defenses.

During WW2, Americans marched across a much larger moat to eventually force Japan's surrender. Why do you think China has been busy militarizing the South China Sea and expanding their military? The only reason you grow a military (at least to the levels the Chinese are) is if you are worried about someone taking military action against you, or you are getting ready to take military action against someone else. Are you aware of any credible military threat to China? Where is all the bellicose rhetoric coming from?

Also, China has a larger Navy than the US now.

You were probably one of those people who thought Putin stacking 100,000 troops on the border of Ukraine was just bluster.

Comment Re:Taiwan ROC (Score 1) 76

Nuclear power has been nothing but a deterrent since Nagasaki, so it really comes down to who is going to cross that line again. I'd bet my bottom dollar that someone in China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran is willing to cross it first.

China is not looking to invade the US. They have no need or desire to defeat us militarily. They can do it economically and politically.

Taiwan is another story. They will invade Taiwan at some point, unless Taiwan decides to willingly subjugate themselves to Beijing. China could easily establish enough of an air & naval blockade to choke Taiwan, and that is only one hypothetical scenario. I have no idea what they will do, but I have no doubt they will take Taiwan back.

There is no belly anywhere in the west to do much of anything about it. And even if there was, they have a LOT further distance to cover and not a ton of friendly land to do it on. There is no NATO "ally" like Poland to rely on to ferry supplies in.

The comparison to North Korea and a "national suicide" is absolutely laughable.

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