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Comment Re:There's a name for this (Score 1) 12

I play occasionally with my son. He has been playing Mario Kart for years. He has his preferred combos based on track and how many CCs we are playing. He found this out through game play and getting to know the game.

Myself a long time gamer has not played Mario Kart much. I enjoy it. I don't have the advantage my son does with knowing the combos to choose. I do my best. Having something like this allows me to narrow things down so that I can have a better understanding in what I can pick to try and be competitive.

Comment Re:Obligatory (Score 4, Insightful) 97

It has nothing to do with being tech savvy. If you think that you would not make a good business person. These are artists, performers, musicians and other that are doing business to stay in business. They do not use Facebook because it is easy. They use it to reach the people to earn a living or in the case of non-profits to get a turn out to their events.

I do not enjoy having to use Facebook. But I had some items for sale. Put them up on various sites, craigslist etc... at the urge of my spouse I gave in and put on FB marketplace and finally starting getting traction and made sales. The other platforms don't offer what FB does which is "You were looking at X, these may be interesting to you"... in their feeds.

Comment Re:Obligatory (Score 5, Insightful) 97

Except I know enough music groups, artists, community event programmers, support groups and the ilk that reach out to their community with FB groups, and FB events. It is one of the more prevelent ways to get their information out. Don't get me wrong I don't care if it is down for me. But to say nothing of value was lost is over simplification from your world view point.

Comment Re:Oh Boy! (Score 2) 100

The desktop I am on as I am typing this is at least a 14 year old AMD Quad core. Not a power house. But runs smooth and does what I need it to do. Browsing web, office tools, photo editing, listening to tunes, coding, and my 3d modelling and printing all work on it. Why do I need to upgrade when I can just get a lightweight distro for older computers? I can save my moolah for other toys that I really want and save the world from more ewaste?

Comment Re:Tax dollars at work (Score 1) 98

Canadian speaking here. So what you are saying the US government telling Apple they can't cancel a show due to foreign interference is overreach. But a foreign communist government telling Apple they have to cancel the show is not overreach? And sure CCP didn't say "cancel the show". But more like "That is a ton of money you are making here in China... it would be a shame if something happened to that..."

Here in my country there is overwhelming evidence that the CCP influenced our election to the point that they are the reason we have Trudeau as our leader. It is very likely if China kept their influence out of our country we would not be dealing with our asshat Prime Minister whose qualifications is "Drama teacher". Our economy is in the dumps, and cost of living has soared. But China got a Prime Minister of Canada that openly admired what the CCP could get done... which was on the backs of poor, starving and elementary school aged labour...

Comment Re:Nobody cares (Score 2) 150

Depending what you use it for. I use it for my city subreddit and region subreddit. News, events, pictures, places I have never hear, restaurant and store recommendations. I also use it for my 3d printing, tool restoration and a few bits and bobs. I used to be part of a WhatIsThisThing as I loved being able to identify things others couldn't, and then for stuff I couldn't find out what it is. But a Mod banned me because when I responded, I responded with a bit of a dad joke before the answer. This mod had a stick up their ass for the no joke rule...even if you were the only one that provides the correct answer.

Comment Re:Argument against seems week, or bad data (Score 1) 282

Depending on your view I am older. My brother, and my mom listen to either their pod casts, streaming or from their phones. Myself I listen to 50/50 AM and FM because AM offers stuff that I can't get on FM. And I know I could stream from online, but why when I can get it free from over the air? And when road tripping there are huge sections where there are no FM stations or cell reception. But there is good old AM. And listening to local radio gets you a feel of the area.

Even at home I am mostly over the air. But multimedia I am Youtube and ROKU. And I have been listening to AM since my 20's. It was the way to get the hockey game on the commute to college (FM radio playing the same sets of songs over again were boring). The live traffic, and news are also AM only. Here in Canuckistan CBC also has tons of pod-cast style shows where you can learn a ton of interesting things, or just have a laugh.

Comment Re:Imbalance (Score 2) 68

Huge difference. What this asshat did could have sparked a massive wildfire at minimum, but with a plane out of control, a gust of wind and anything else happening in the plane, it could have altered course, and it could have cost people their life. Let alone the environmental impact of the crap the plane would have leaked out into the area....

Comment Ask yourself what was happening before COVID? (Score 1) 44

What was happening in Hong Kong before Covid lock downs? Protests, mainly student protests of the rights being taken away when Mainland China took over control early.

There was no signs of the protests stopping... until conveniently lock down due to Covid. But wait there's more! Once things locked down, and flights and travel from Wuhan to other parts of China were strictly forbidden, what did China do when we wanted to stop flights? Complain and spout the racism card. Don't know about you, but this has been pretty convenient to the CCP.

Comment The more important question was the timing of this (Score 1) 194

I don't like conspiracy theories, but ask yourself what was happening before Covid and the lock downs happened?

What happened to the Hong Kong protests against the early take over and removal of freedoms by the CCP? Mainland China and CCP were having problems containing the protests.

All of a sudden Covid hits, lockdowns occur and what happened to the protests?

Also ask yourself in the early days when the CCP was not allowing people from Wuhan travel to other parts of China, keeping it locked down, but were allowing flights from Wuhan to other parts of the world and when Canada finally said no, CCP basically played the racism card.

Whether or not it was made, modified or studied in a lab, the question should be the why and how it got out, because I think the timing was too convenient for the CCP.

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