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Journal Journal: Aw man 1

Wont say what site or where - but I'm working on migrating something that was hosted in one of our offices to a shared hosting environment.

Comment Re:Easy stats to pull (Score 1) 367

The false sense of urgency people have simply because they can is getting ridiculous. I can accept that probably 1% of phone calls are actually urgent. What I can't accept is the 75% of calls that people think are ugent. What's the old saying, "Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part."

Wow. That must be one handy number of a job you've landed for yourself. I take it you don't have children either.

Comment i think dems will have a better canidate though (Score 1) 35

as much as i would like to see hillary in the oval office, i think another dem will win the primaries. as for the republicans who is gonna vote for those pricks anyways. making it so women and the poor can't vote. you can no longer vote if you ever have changed your last name without certified proof of every marriage, divorce, and your birth. while men only need proof of being born to vote. and then proof of citizen status if not born in the usa.
this is an unfair precident to take away the right to vote from women and the poor. and it's happening in EVERY state with a republican govenor. well at least in wisconsin. i haven't verified if it's everyone or just swing states that got this treatment for the problem of poor people and women who vote, for democrats.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Emergency Alerts 2

I am currently using a Moto G as my primary phone for a bit. I brought it with me to Moscow. As soon as I got here I started getting "Emergency Alerts" like crazy. I think I had 40 or so the first afternoon.

Comment Re:even easier (Score 1) 106

How is that going to work in a house that has abysmal cell reception? I build a new house and due to the higher grade isolation (I think, it's a guess. May be the floor heating too, that's a lot of water), cell reception is extremely bad. Outside, it's fine. Of course, I didn't know this and my alarm system is GSM based. They had to install the system under the roof, because it the basement it simply wouldn't work.

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