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Submission + - Why some people think total nonsense is really deep (

Earthquake Retrofit writes: Wapo has a story about Gordon Pennycook, a doctorate student at the University of Waterloo who studies why some people are more easily duped than others.

"Wholeness quiets infinite phenomena" was one of many randomly generated sentences Pennycook, along with a team of researchers at the University of Waterloo, used in a new four-part study put together to gauge how receptive people are to nonsense.

Those more receptive to bull**** are less reflective, lower in cognitive ability (i.e., verbal and fluid intelligence, numeracy), are more prone to ontological confusions [beliefs in things for which there is no empirical evidence (i.e. that prayers have the ability to heal)] and conspiratorial ideation, are more likely to hold religious and paranormal beliefs, and are more likely to endorse complementary and alternative medicine.

Submission + - Free Pascal Compiler 3.0.0 is out, adds support for 16 bit MS-DOS and 64 bit iOS ( 1

Halo1 writes: Twenty-three years ago, development started on the first version of the Turbo Pascal and later also Delphi-compatible Free Pascal Compiler, for OS/2 no less. Two decades and change later, the new Free Pascal Compiler 3.0.0 release still supports OS/2, along with a host of older and newer platforms ranging from MS-DOS on an 8086 to the latest Linux and iOS running on AArch64. On the language front, the new features include support for type helpers, codepage-aware strings and a utility to automatically generate JNI bridges for Pascal code. In the mean time, development on the next versions continues, with support for generic functions, an optional LLVM code generator backend and full support for ISO and Extended Pascal progressing well.

Comment Re:no more donuts for Gabe... (Score 1) 768

I too used to think of myself as a windows "power user" till I faced a linux desktop installation and started to use it... :P

Anyway, installing almost any linux flavour today is as easy as windows (disclaimer, I'm not a linux "power user"); granted you'll have to do your research and learn to change the way you used to do things. That's the scary part, you'll have to "work" and "learn" again... :P

I'm still a windows user but I got a swappable disk that I use to boot on kubuntu and do almost anything I can do with windows except playing (and that's because I don't play a lot anymore...); I'm installing kubuntu, Mint and others in friends desktops so they don't spent money on a new system with the latest and bloated hardware/software, and you know what? they have a bloody new working/fast system, they surf the net, do office work, watch movies, record music... as they did with windows... even their kids use linux almost better than I do.

My advise: install any ubuntu flavour and play with it, without trying to do serious work, just for the sake of playing and learn...

Submission + - Quad-GK104 Graphics Card Coming? (

wasimkadak writes: Yes, you read that right. reports, that one of the NVIDIA’s AIB partner has prepared a new graphics card with four Kepler GPUs.

According to the source, one of the manufacturers has demonstrated behind closed doors during Computex, some mysterious card. This particular model would be powered by four GK104 GPUs, which is twice as many as the number of GPUs in GeForce GTX 690. claims that this quad-gpu card would require 600 to 800 Watts. As the source further reports, manufacturer is doing it’s best to keep the Wattage as low as possible. This would obviously require some limitations to the clocks, which were not yet determined.

What do you think, is there a need for such card? If you were a wealthy PC enthusiast, would you buy one?

Submission + - IAEA, Iran begins new nuke talks (

Jetra writes: "With the US checking Iraq and Afghanistan, it seems that Iran wants to join the Atomic Age, testing multipoint explosives to detonate a charge. As always, Iran denies such claims. This could either go one of three ways, Nuclear Annihilation, Atomic Power, or a Cold War between Iran and the Middleeast. Isreal warns that it will destroy all silos unless tensions are eased by other countries such as US, UK, Japan, and Russia."

Submission + - Photographers, you're being replaced by software (

Mrs. Grundy writes: CGI software, even open-source software like Blender, continues to improve in quality, speed and easy-of-use. Photographer Mark Meyer wonders how long it will be before large segments of the photography industry are replaced by software and become the latest casualty to fall to outsourcing. Some imagery once the domain of photographers has already moved to CGI. Is any segment of the photography market safe? Will we soon accept digital renderings in places where we used to expect photographs?

Submission + - Is 'Windows' A Liability To Microsoft's Mobile Future? (

snydeq writes: "Microsoft's best hope on mobile may be to re-brand Windows, as Microsoft's biggest marketing problem with its smartphones and tablets may be the name 'Windows,' which consumers equate with 'hassles,' writes Woody Leonhard. 'It certainly seems to me that moving the "Windows" brand to smartphones hasn't bought Microsoft one iota of market traction. Quite the opposite. ... The impending mass confusion about Windows RT and Windows 8 won't work in Microsoft's favor, either. In fact, it looks like the "Windows RT" name alone will draw fire and brimstone.'"

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