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Comment Re:Liberty loving? (Score 2) 701

You people keep lying about libertarianism is, trying to conflate it with its opposite. What is your motivation in doing this?

Was that a rhetorical question? I think it's fairly obvious what motivation is: Muddy the waters by using the BIG LIE technique. The left has a fear that liberty might appeal to some people, so they introduce a faux boogeyman ("Teh Corparashunz!") to compete with tyrannical government. The problem they (willingly?) fail to realize is that most of the abusive powers corporations wield over the masses are enabled by tyrannical government. Agricorps (ADM, Monsanto, et al.) can sue farmers whose crops get cross-contaminated by their GMOs, but farmers can't sue them for the same cross-contamination. Telecom corps get the government to make it illegal to "jail break" your phone so you can switch service providers, so-on and so-forth.

Comment Re:Forget Java (Score 1) 265

Agreed. JavaScript and HTML5 is the way to go. Lightweight, capable, and ubiquitous. And it's probably going to be the most generally useful language for what people want to do these days.

Unfortunately, JavaScript itself has some major warts. You might want to read Crockford's JavaScript: The Good Parts and avoid some of the worst of the language.

Every programming language I've encountered has its warts. However, I believe JavaScript is the best language for beginning programmers, precisely for the reasons you outlined above. I don't think that they should ONLY learn JavaScript though.

Comment Re:Do something for the school: (Score 1) 265

Moodle is a very good suggestion. Each user can experiment with their own local copy on a flash drive. There are a ton of different things that can be done, like updating the styling with CSS, create new blocks with HTML & Javascript, etc. You can make all sorts of improvements with a few lines of PHP & MySQL code as well, if your students want to get REALLY adventurous.

Comment Re:Screens (Score 2) 228

Agreed, if anything this sounds to me more like streamlining the supply chain and manufacturing by removing component variance. Using the same part a million times is significantly cheaper than using one part for 800k and another for 200k even if the single part used a million times is more expensive.

I'd expect the same result across the board as they roll it out.

Comment AppleBasic on an Apple II (Score 1) 623

Can't remember if it was an Apple c/g/gs, but it was one of the earlier models. I had been playing Zork, Wizardry & The Bards Tale, and thought it would be fun to write my own games. They were all basically of the endless quest variety, with letters in front of the options. Nothing too difficult, just basic GOTO type stuff. If only I had the knowledge I have now back then, or the motivation I had back then now...

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