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Comment Re:Reorg (Score 1) 343

XBone? Are you a 14 year old that can't even type a couple of words?

Why exactly he cares so deeply that people acknowledge Ballmer's new role as temporary is beyond me. It's not like anyone is going to give a flying fuck what suit eventually settles into this position.

I like it that you pick on me but not UnknowingFool (who is making endless streams of arguments).

I do agree with you though, but it's funny to see Slashdot commenters getting worked up over that very issue. If you're not, then why did you read this story and the comments and cared enough to post about it?

Also I like that you noticed how pointing out facts on Slashdot and going against the circlejerk of hate can get you troll mods.

You seem to be a subscriber, I suspect you might be behind the first post troll that inhabits this place! :)

Comment Re:Reorg (Score 0) 343

Perhaps the E&D head is going to be fired soon. Appointing someone else is going to tip people off. Or maybe they're trying to hire Andy Rubin or RMS or timothy for being the head.

Have you considered the possibility that Ballmer and the upper management might just know much more about the situation than me and you?

Comment Re:Reorg (Score 1) 343

What the hell? You are the only that keeps insisting that this was all a part of the re-org yet "plans change". That makes absolutely no sense. There are two scenarios here: 1) Mattrick was on his way out and MS knew it for a while. Yet MS did not have a replacement for him despite doing a re-org and Ballmer will have to lead the division because no one in all of MS can do this but Ballmer. 2) Mattrick's exit was sudden and Ballmer doesn't have a replacement for him yet.

Option 3) Mattrick's exit was sudden and Ballmer has a replacement in mind, but since the huge reorg is going be announced in a few days and he does not want to hint or reveal the big changes which even add and remove divisions like hardware, software, services just yet because everything is not ready yet, tells the team to report to him for now while telling them to continue to concentrate on getting things ready in time for the big holiday so that people have someone to report to in the interim instead of a void.

Read my other comment and the first reply to it.

If there is going to be a re-org in a "few days" , there will be new bosses for all parts of MS anyways. And if there is a new boss in a few days, there won't be speculation for the holidays, will there? That makes no sense.

I was referring to speculation now,in the coming few days, while working for the big holiday release, not speculation during the holidays. They to prepare for the Xbox One release from now itself, not just at the last minute while releasing it. It's a new unreleased product. Reread what I said.

For the nth time, the reason behind mentioning the holiday season is to focus the team on what they have been working hard since years for, and implying that regardless of new bosses and loss of an old boss, the gratification of releasing the Xbox One during the holidays is important. It wasn't to imply that Ballmer will be head of Xbox at release time in November. Even the FA says the same thing. If you think there is something like that somewhere, either reference it or tell me what make you deduce it.

Comment Re:Reorg (Score 0) 343

Yes but why didn't Ballmer just say this? Also why even mention the holidays in a few months if everyone knows that a re-org is coming in the next few days. Or better yet, have Mattrick stay until the re-org is announced in a few days. My reading on this is that it was quite sudden inside MS. That would be the most logical explanation to me. Otherwise, the message would have been different: "Re-org is happening. Mattrick is leaving early but another exec will take over shortly."

Because plans may and can change, and plans are best announced with changes themselves. The holidays are mentioned to keep the Xbox team focused on the big goal of getting ready for the big holiday season instead of corporate gossip/speculation about new bosses.
Zynga might have wanted Mattrick to join them post-haste since they are in dire need of makeover after their last earnings and Mattrick also wanted to leave early. How can Ballmer keep Mattrick? This is a country with at-will employment, you can't be forced to work at a company against your will. That explains the suddenness.

Also I don't know about you but how is Ballmer is really qualified to lead the Xbox team? I mean he doesn't have much experience with that division or familiarity with the subject area in particular.

We're traveling in circles here, I tell you so many reasons that this is most likely a temporary state, and you keep going back as if you didn't even read my post. Anyway, there are most likely existing heads internally who will now directly report to Ballmer. At my workplace, the VP of IT was laid off last year and since then the three directors in IT directly report to the CEO inspite of CEO not having any IT experience and we are none the worse for it.

Comment Re:Reorg (Score 1) 343

I don't see how "reorg coming in July" automatically equates to "head of Xbox will leave company and be replaced with Ballmer". A re-org might have had Don Mattrick stay head of Xbox but moved under another department and exec. Nothing in your links hints about what happened. Now Mattrick and other execs might be leaving in droves due to Ballmer axing under-performing execs but so far Mattrick is the only one.

The most likely explanation based on the facts we know is the following:

Re-org is imminent, and Mattrick left due to reason X. Ballmer takes over for now because the reorg is already imminent and he doesn't want to reveal it yet since it will all come out in a few days. So he tells the Xbox team, report to me and concentrate on getting ready for the Xbox holiday release and hopes to avoid people getting complacent over their work on Xbox One, even if for a few days. All this could be true regardless of reason X. You're getting needlessly caught up with reason X which has nothing to do with whether Ballmer will lead the Xbox One release into the holiday season. There might not be an Xbox division even, there's rumors of a new hardware division which includes Surface.

Comment Re:Reorg (Score 1) 343


It was misleading because the summary and headline intentionally left off and totally ignored the following line from the article so that it could have a better chance of getting posted on Slashdot.

There’s every chance this is a temporary solution until Microsoft completes its wider management restructuring.

So... what you're trying to do is deflect a bluntly stated fact by desperately clinging to speculation by TFA's writer? Funny, around these parts it's generally the other way around, where we use facts to shut down rampant, baseless speculation, but if that's the way you like to see it, I guess we can't stop you.

Comment Re:Reorg (Score 2, Informative) 343

A major reorg of MS is imminent,

While it's likely a good guess, as the end of major development cycle often brings big changes and most CEO's don't tend to collect direct reports, claiming that a reorg 'is imminent' is misleading and likely biased in itself. Are you afraid of competition?

Please RTFA or buy a fucking clue. I am so tired of stupid Slashdot stories and commeters who only get their Microsoft news from Slashdot and don't even RTFA. This is turning into something worse than reddit, same with the Secure Boot and Vista DRM FUD that was spread on here.

>claiming that a reorg 'is imminent' is misleading and likely biased in itself. Are you afraid of competition?

If that is misleading and biased, then what you said is just plain dumb and shows how Slashdot has declined into a sad circlejerk of deluded 14 year olds railing against M$ after reading made up stories to gather karma points. Point out a fact that's not anti-MS or is anti-Apple or anti-Google and get overrated mods for days. Last one out turn the lights off.

Comment Re:Reorg (Score 1) 343

That's certainly something that a sane, logical, and rational human being who puts the well-being of his company ahead of management politics would do.

Child posts are free to add the punchline.

Post misleading flamebait stories on Slashdot to get more ad clicks and revenue?

Oh wait... you weren't talking about Timothy and Slashdot/Dice Holdings?

Comment Re:Reorg (Score 1) 343


It was misleading because the summary and headline intentionally left off and totally ignored the following line from the article so that it could have a better chance of getting posted on Slashdot.

There’s every chance this is a temporary solution until Microsoft completes its wider management restructuring.

Comment Re:Reorg (Score 2, Informative) 343

So you're whining the summary is misleading because they didn't entirely invent what was happening like you did? Get real, jackass.

It was misleading because the summary and headline intentionally left off and totally ignored the following line from the article so that it could have a better chance of getting posted on Slashdot.

There’s every chance this is a temporary solution until Microsoft completes its wider management restructuring.

Comment Re:Reorg (Score 4, Informative) 343

You have absolutely no clue how big reorganizations are handled in big companies. First everything is done in secret as much as possible with the fewest people knowing. Then each person is called to the CEOs Office and informed about the reorg. Things do leak, but revealing rumors and the CEOs hand early causes damage. Do things any differently(letting people know from the media or other employees) and it's going to cause a lot of bad blood and bad morale on top of those caused by the decisions themselves. The process is the same in almost all organizations including Google, so I don't know what you're foaming at the mouth for.

MS, according to you, is in such a state of disarray that Ballmer cannot reveal the real head of Xbox, but instead has to step in temporarily??? And we expect that pending reorg to accomplish what, exactly???

This reorg is just not just about switching heads, it about reorganizations the divisions themselves. There may not be a Xbox division at all and instead may be merged into a new hardware division along with Surface etc.

Comment Re:Well I'll be... (Score 4, Insightful) 248

You could start a signing company now, and if people trust you, they will add your keys, and you may even get traction from the OEMs. Nothing in secure boot prevents that except that no one wants to create a signing organization because they don't want to be bothered. In face Secure Boot MS Spec requires OEMs to enable users to add their own keys or even remove Microsoft's if they don't trust it.

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