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Comment Re:Vote With Your Wallet (Score 0) 28

Allowing unlicensed works without permission would be a de facto donation of the trademark to public domain.
That's gonna need a big citation, bud - your logic would have meant that LucasFilm would not own Star Wars, SEGA Wouldn't own Sonic, VALVe wouldn't own Portal, TF2, HALF-LIFE, etc, Hasbro wouldn't own Dungeons and Dragons, My Little Pony, Magic the Gathering, etc, since those companies have a lot of permissiveness regarding fan made work. Something smells really wrong with this claim.

Comment A ponderance I've had about this for some time... (Score 1) 38

I wonder, is it just doing "a new thing?" Can it also be new variations of things, combinations of new things and old things, combinations of old things and new ways ot do old things, etc,, that will alter that perception of how fast or slow time is passing?

(Does my ponderance even make sense?)

Comment Re:Who cares if Edge uses a lot of RAM? (Score 1) 62

If I have RAM to spare, go ahead and use it.

Or, it should take when it needs it, and not force the OS to clean up after avoidable sloppines wherever it may be present in a user level application.

Users shouldn't have to care about micromanaging memory these days.

Maybe if they had more trust - irrespective of if the distrust being expressed is completely justified or not - they wouldn't feel the need. Either way, more options IMO is good.

Comment Re:Late to the party (Score 1) 24

The "as closed as possible" bit, ngl, always bothered me (since I believe tech like this should be open, moreso knowing the foundation here is essentially built on OSS). I wonder, perhaps a stupid question, does this mean that if someone really, REALLY wanted to, they could (with relative ease) start up their own 15ai type deal, with most of the same things that made it attractive in the first place?

Comment Re:Bigger waste of resources than even cryptocurre (Score 1) 50

Given the breadth of "AI" and related technologies themselves, as well as the wide breadth of potential and upcoming applications for this stuff, this sounds like ... well, it sounds kind of inane to say "it's all garbage, will always be garbage, ban it" since it ignore those applications (such as in medical research for instance).

Comment On top, rather than instead of, this... (Score 1) 147

Part of me wishes that they'd tap into the EU, the lore and stories from books, games, etc, as there is SO MUCH THERE that takes place before during and after the events of Episodes 4 and 6 that can be tapped into to tell stories, and even IMO enrich the world that we already have.

I'd think it pretty cool if they did this not as a substitute per-se of anything new-new, but as a massive supplement.

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