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Comment There may be a different reason (Score 1) 161

A few years back Prague public transport tried something similar. They attempted to convince people to stop standing only on one side of the escalators. The reason was completely different. When people stand on one side, then this side is being worn out more than the other one. This was causing some troubles with servicing escalators. Apart from that I don't see any problems with allowing people in a hurry to walk/run the escalators. Especially when there are no stairs to run around the problem. BTW: if you walk on escalator, then you are always faster than someone on stairs :). If it comes to question of capacity, then it surly will win standing on both sides. But life is not always about maximum capacity.

Comment Re: Absence?! (Score 1) 595

No web doesn't work great. You probalby missed the information that IP addresses are exhausted. It means that there will be no new websites using IPv4. What exactly is the rest of the internet? You can't use it. You can use only limited part of the internet that has public IP addresses. The rest is hidden to you. The internet works the way it is now not because users wanted it. It works the way it is because there are so many limitation thank's to NAT's so it is almost impossible to establish direct communication.
And for those who think tha NAT is security feature. Just set simple rule on your router equivalent to NATing:
OUTBOUND: allow all
INBOUND: deny all
It is even better (stronger), because you can't bypass it by NAT punching techniques. And if you need inbound connection, just allow that one in FW instead of port forwarding. It is not more complex than with NAT.

Comment Re:I never cared for STL (Score 1) 435

Unfortunately your approach brings one important compatibility issue. It is code - programmer compatibility. When you use STL or other standard library you can bring a new programmer to your project and he would't have much problem to understand the code. But don't use it and the new programmer would have to learn not only your code but your super highly optimized containers too. And I bet that your library wouldn't come with as good documentation as STL.

Comment Re:Troll! In the dungeon! Thought you'd want to kn (Score 2) 559

This really sound more as parents fail than anyone others. Especially Facebook. Parents should teach their kids to come to them when something like this happens. And if it happens then help them resolve the problem.
The fact that bullying messages are posted on social netwrok sites can be used as easy evidence against bullies. Just remember how it was before all the electronic stuff wass available. The bullies met you somewhere and threatened you. And you had nothing to prove that he was threatening you. Nowadays you just pulls out message from your phone, e-mail, or whatever way was used and goes after bully. The problem is how it will be handled. Usually reporting bullies will backfire at you. So you should be prepared for that.

Just one question. How did 14 year old get drunk in the first place?

Comment Re:Classes online, a radical innovation? (Score 1) 105

I have been hearing all this hype about how innovative online classes are, how this will change teaching, how we might not have colleges any more because it is so revolutionary.

Then you have been hearing it wrong. This kind of education is not going to make current education obsolete. It will just complement it. If you look at reasons why Sebastian Thrun left Stanford, then you might be surprised. The reason why he left was partly due to the fact that after he started teaching online AI class, then his usually packed classes at Stanford were suddenly empty. And when he asked his students why they don't come to see him while they pay big bills to be able to, the answer was surprising. I quote freely "Professor we rather like you on video. We can pause you and rewind you back."
You might also find a talk by Salman Khan, who made a bit of change in the learning field too. Just by using the tools like prerecorded classes you as a teacher can spend more on discussing stuff with students rather than talking to the room. And this is the point where I see biggest added value. Not mentioning that now are such lectures available to people like me who are long time out of school, but want to learn something new.

Comment Re:What would happen... (Score 1) 225

The one with longer delay will always win. Or if the time between the two machines will be short enough, then I expect the game will be degraded to paper - paper, because both machines would assume that other hand is being left in rock position, so it will transform its hand to paper.
The question is whether it would be even possible to play at all. The problem is that currently it is programmed to follow human player's hand. So if two machines are put against each other, then both will wait until the other one makes move and thus waiting indefinitely.
Just consider it a demonstration of very fast real time pattern recognition. But wait a moment don't we have a kinect for these kinds of tricks?

Comment Not so quickly (Score 1) 314

And what technology / service will that old e-mail replace?

- I haven't seen any replacement for encryption / digital signatures
- I still didn't figure how to mark what I have read and what not on services like FB or G+
- I haven't realized how to mark a post for immediate response of for getting to it later
- I haven't realized how to move a message to specific place so I can use it for reference later
- I haven't found a way to setup my own / corporate server, so I can be sure that my business will continue in case such service will go under

But what I have already learned with e-mail.
- its delivery is almost instant like any other service
- if I need it, I can work with it offline (on the plain, train, ship, ...)

Comment Re:Or you could just take an ordinary train (Score 2) 148

This shouldn't be a problem. This technology is primarily meant for highways. And as long as my memory goes. I didn't seen anyone crossing it. Except from some crazies and then it is safer to stop whole train. But it might assist even in the urban areas. How often it happens that driver in one lane lets you walk across and in the next line is driver speeding up and almost driving over you. Just to stop on red light in less than 50 meters.

Comment Re:How can you quantify the loss? (Score 1) 663

This is done to reduce revenue loss from piracy. Just imagine what sometimes happen. You go and see movie poster saying that it is premiere. You say to yourself, hey it might be good movie. But then you think. Wait a minute, what a premiere, it is the movie I have downloaded a couple months ago. OK, but it wasn't bad and I almost forget what it was about. I will go and see it again. And you go and it feels like watching those old movies with Charlie Chaplin. Studios make their profit and you feel good because you have seen that old forgotten movie again.

Comment Re:I thought this was known by now (Score 1) 777

Producing, distributing and watching child porn is illegal. Period. So if you are accused of committing such crime, it could be seen as reasonable preventive action to prevent you from being alone with child. Any child. In your original post you mentioned sex with adults and that was thing I was mainly reacting at. It is not crime to watch porn with adults and adults only. However this guy was not arrested and even accused of any crime by police. And this is weird in this case. He has been banned from seeing his child only based on request of some people from child protective services.

Comment Re:I thought this was known by now (Score 1) 777

No, because filming/distributing/watching porn with adults is not a crime. While porn with child is treated quite differently.

But I still don't get why he was banned from seeing his child when there is no accusation against him. Or is there something missing from the article?

Comment Re:what is this bullshit slashvertisement? (Score 1) 128

I am wondering why they didn't just put only part of the captcha in each frame, so it would appear as solid text for humans when being replayed but it will appear totally different when you will look on separate frames. It might be just F in the first frame and underscore on second frame. This repeated will appear to humans as nice E. Yes, robots will adapt to it eventually. But it might take some time.

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